My dear daughter, not only are you another year older which is special in itself, but today you enter a new and exciting chapter of your life. I hope that it is full of the most wonderful things and the greatest of opportunities for you.
Wishing you the sweetest 18th birthday from dad. May you have the best day.
May the most glorious girl have the most fantabulous 8th birthday today! You are simply the sweetest kid and I hold a very special place in my heart for you!
I’m wishing you a very happy birthday today, my friend. Wherever life takes you following your final year of studies, I hope that you will always be happy.
Happy birthday to my best friend in the whole wide world!
I am so grateful for the friendship we have formed, and I vow to cherish it always, girl. We have a truly special bond; one that will last a very long time and that simply can’t be broken.
I can’t wait for all the wonderful moments ahead, all of the memories that are yet to be made in our fabulous friendship.
Growing up you always were a little princess and a mega diva, and I’m so pleased to see that nothing has changed since then! Happy birthday, my forever fabulous younger sister!
A special little girl deserves a very special day, too! I hope that today, on your second birthday ever, you feel just like the beautiful little princess that you are, sweetie.