Happy Birthday Wisher

You’re the man I look up to, dad
Wishing you the absolute best 17th birthday, bestie!

I hope that this birthday brings you much happiness, lots of love and immense joy!

You still have your best years ahead of you and so much to look forward to! It’s such an exciting time for you!
Happy birthday with wishes full of love to my whole world! You’re not just my boyfriend, you’re my most special one!
Happy birthday to the most precious jewel of the family: my sweet niece! May your special day this year be just as fabulous as you are, cutie!
Happy birthday to the world’s best gal pal!

I can only hope that the frosting on your cake is as sweet as you are!
Heaven only knows what I did to
deserve such a wonderful girlfriend
like you, but I am more and more
thankful each passing day that
we found each other.

You are the love of my life,
and I hope to make you feel as
special as you are every single day!

Happy birthday, my sweetheart!
The world is a much more beautiful place for having you in it, sweet girl!

I'm wishing you a joy-filled birthday today!
I know that you might be glad of a break from me, but I wish there wasn’t so much distance between us on your birthday this year. It won’t be long and I’ll be back to annoying you with my love! 🤗
Happy birthday, little sis!

I don’t wish to take the spotlight off you on your special day today, but you should know that I already have the greatest gift ever.

That’s because simply having a small sister like you is the best gift I could wish for!
Happy birthday, cousin.

No matter how far away we may find ourselves from each other in life, you will never stop being a special person to me who is always close at heart.
My dear girlfriend on your birthday,

Here’s to your special day, and hoping that it is as lovely as you are! I hope you know that you are not only my soulmate, but you are also my best friend.

With all my love, always!
Happy birthday, my friend!

I hope you have a happy day and
that this upcoming year is filled with
even more fun adventures for you!
My dear brother, it brings great
Joy to my heart to be wishing you
A wonderful happy birthday today.

You’ve always been there for me
I’ll always be there for you too.
I’m so grateful for the remarkable
Person you are and all that you do.
Celebrating your 12th birthday today
Wishing a very happy birthday to
our parents' second favourite child,
from their first favourite child!

Don’t worry, elder bro, you’ll always
be my favourite!
A mother like you is a true blessing
Living with you is a gift in itself
Happy birthday to my favorite uncle
Many happy returns to you. 

There’s no one more worthy of
a wonderful birthday than you,
as your never-ending tenderness
truly is heart-touching.

I hope you enjoy your special
day today, and may your birthday
cake be as sweet and gigantic
as your big, kind heart.
Have the happiest birthday, grandpa!
Inside your selfless loving heart,
You always put me first
No matter what.

I love you more than words can say,
I love you more than I can express.
No words could ever convey
This love I carry in my chest.

I can’t even start to imagine
How hard life would be
If by some ungodly chance
I wouldn’t have you here with me.

Enjoy this very special day,
Enjoy all the years to come,
One last thing I must say
Like you there is none!
I watched you learn to walk
And I helped you learn to talk.
No matter how old you get,
I’ll have those memories
To cherish forevermore.

Happy birthday, my dear son.
Happy 11th birthday to you!

I hope this birthday
is a truly fabulous one
as you’re now one whole
decade, plus an extra year!
May another year full of love, excitement, and adventure await you as you celebrate your special day today! Happy birthday to you, sweetie!
I’m blessed to have a sister like you
On this auspicious day,
the one in which you
came into our lives, I’m
wishing you, my child, the
most wonderful birthday!

You are the daughter of
my dreams, and yours
is the laughter that brightens
my days. Love you with all
my heart, and I will love
you forever and beyond!