Happy Birthday Wisher

I would be remiss if I didn’t wish you a happy birthday, even if I am one day late!

Belated wishes to you!
A teacher loved by all
It’s hard to believe the incredible impact
that just one person can have on your life,
but the effect you’ve had on mine is huge.

You’re the center of my universe and I
can’t imagine a world where you’re not
a part of it.

Happy birthday to you, my dearest.
Two wonderful decades of your life
The clock is ticking as we count down the final hours until your birthday arrives! Let the celebrations begin shortly!
Happy birthday!

As you celebrate another year, I want
you to know that you will always have
my unconditional love and support.

We may not have been birthed by the
same parents, but you are my brother
and I’ll be here for you no matter what.
Happy birthday to my biggest
inspiration: my dear elder sister!

Looking back, everyone knew that
you would grow up to be someone
amazing and truly fabulous!

You might still have some growing
up to do but you’ll get there, sis!
On my birthday this year, I just want to take a moment to give thanks to our Almighty Lord for blessing me with all the greatness I have in my life.

I’m truly grateful for all that I have, and I pray for another glorious year ahead!
Today, you turn 1 and what a wonderful year it has been. You truly are the most precious blessing, little one. Happy 1st birthday.
Happy birthday, you old codger! Even at
your age you still manage to surprise me
and make my belly ache from laughing!

Your wit and your wisdom are in a class
of their own, and I have learned so much
from you throughout my life.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart
for being the wonderful man that you are!
My moon, my sun, and my stars
We share the same weird personality
This proud parent is celebrating the first birthday of her beautiful baby girl today!

May you have many years of happiness, my sweet and beautiful daughter, and a life filled with nothing but love and joy.

Happy 1st birthday, my sweetheart!
We have only the most heartfelt and heartwarming birthday wishes for our lovely daughter today. We are so lucky to be your parents and we want you to know that we love you very much, dear.

Sending lots of love, big hugs, and birthday wishes from mom and dad.
Today marks the anniversary of the day that my little princess entered the world, the very best day of my life.

Today and always, I am hoping that only greatness blesses your life, my dear girl, as it's nothing less than what you deserve.

You continue to fill my heart with pride and I feel so blessed to be your father.

Love you always, my little girl!
May the Lord surround you with his loving embrace and give you the strength to overcome any challenge you may face in life, my dear.

Happy birthday to you and I’m wishing you a future filled with love and joy, free from worry or concern.
I can always rely on you to keep me sane
On your birthday today, my dear, I pray that you never go a day without feeling the loving warmth or the gentle tenderness from another caring soul like yourself.

You deserve all the happiness our great Lord can provide!

My best wishes to you today!
The place where I lay my head
The place I feel most content
If home is where the heart is
Then you will always be home
For you are the one who puts
A big smile upon my face
You will always be
My happy place.

Happy birthday, my love.
Today, I have the absolute
pleasure of wishing a happy
birthday to a world-class leader!

You have proven time and time
again that you are the best in your
field, and I feel very privileged that
I have been fortunate enough to
have worked with you!

Many happy returns to you and
here’s to many more!
Your dedication never ceases to amaze me
Happy birthday to my favorite colleague
Happy birthday to a dear childhood
buddy of mine! I have but the best
memories of us as kids.

I’m sending my best to you and I
hope life is treating you well and
continues to do so for many more
years to come.
Happy birthday to the sweetest, most adorable little prince who turns 2 today!

You certainly are a very special kid, and watching you grow up to become the beautiful boy that you are today truly is one of life’s greatest joys for me.
For an extraordinary man, 
On your special day, 
I’m wishing a very 
Happy birthday to you 
And hoping that all 
Of your dreams come true!