Happy Birthday Wisher

Growing up I always wanted a sister. A best friend for life and someone I could share my deepest thoughts with. I asked God many times to bless me with a sister, but the message must have been lost somewhere along the way since I only got a brother.

The years went by and this wish completely vanished from my mind. But one happy day my brother found for himself a wonderful wife, a beautiful person, who, with time, would be a sister to me.

To my sister-in-law, my dear sister, the sister I always wished for, I wish the most amazing of birthdays!
Happy birthday, my love!

As you become older, my
dear girlfriend, you just get
more and more beautiful!

And I’m not just saying that
because I have to!
I heard that it’s your birthday today, so I just wanted to send you a short message to wish you all the best!

Happy birthday to you!
Heart-touching wishes for a sweet daughter
Today I am wishing someone
so truly integral to my life the
happiest birthday possible!

You have always been there
for me and you really do mean
so much to me. I couldn’t imagine
not having you in my life!

I hope that your day is filled with
all the love and joy that you so
very deserve, my dear!
My dear, I’m wishing you the
happiest of birthdays today!

I can’t tell you how grateful I am
to have such a great friend in you.
You are the nicest, sweetest, and
most beautiful person in my life,
and you have touched my heart
in more ways than you’ll ever know.

I’m sending you some seriously
big birthday kisses today!
Happy birthday, mam! We are so blessed to have a principal like you who provides so much inspiration each and every day!
Happy 25th! Such an exciting milestone for you, your mid-twenties are going to be some of the best years of your life!

I hope you have an absolute blast today and over the next few years - enjoy it!

Have a drink for me, my friend! Cheers!
I'm going to spoil you loads today, girlfriend
Your birthday is a day to be thankful for being your grandchild. I’m so blessed for having you in my life, sharing your love and learning so many wonderful things from you.

Words will never suffice or fully express the love, tenderness and admiration I hold for you.

May God bless you with many more wonderful, healthy years.

I wish you a great birthday, dear granny!
Happy birthday to the most fabulous friend a girl could wish for: my long-lost sister! You’ll always have a very special place in my heart, girl!
Wishing you every happiness on your 27th
Your birthday is special no matter where you are
Today, my little princess 
Is becoming a queen
As she is turning the
Wonderful age of 18!

Sending you all my love
On your special day,
My dear daughter!
I count my lucky stars for having a brother like you, who is truly incredible and means as much to me as you do. Thank you for being the best brother a sister could ever wish for. Happy birthday, bro.
Today is my birthday, which means I’m a whole year more incredible!
It doesn’t need your birthday 
To come around each year 
For me to tell you exactly how
Much you mean to me, my dear.

Happy birthday with lots of
Love in advance 💕
To a sister who is far, far away
I’m sending long-distance love
From across the miles.

We carry the special ones
With us wherever we go.

Happy birthday, dear sister.
Wishing you a spectacular birthday today, my dear! You are such a bright young lady with the world at your feet!

I really do wish you the very best for the exciting years ahead! Enjoy this marvellous day; you deserve it, girl!
For a special girl like you 
Who is turning twenty-one
I hope your big day
Is overloaded with fun!

Many congratulations
To you today, my dear!
You may be our daughter-in-law, but in our eyes, you are like our own child. We love you greatly! Happy birthday, dear daughter!
A gorgeous baby girl like you truly is a gift from heaven! May you have a glorious first birthday and many happy and healthy years ahead, my sweetheart!
Happy birthday to a very special lady and someone so close to me who has and always will be just like a mother to me. 
Every year when my special day
comes around, it always amazes
me when I’m reminded how many
wonderful people I have in my life.

Thank you all for taking a little time
out of your day to brighten mine, 
it means a lot.
Few aunts have a mother’s touch,
which is just one of the many reasons
why I’m so blessed to have an aunty
like you in my life. Happy birthday to
you and best wishes, dearest aunt.