Happy Birthday Wisher

To my special someone on your
special day, I’m hoping that only the
very best things in life come your way.

You deserve the world for the sweet
person that you are, and for being
the person who gives me the most
happiness by far.

Happy birthday.
Happy birthday to an
old friend who I can
always rely on to make
me laugh hysterically!

Wishing you a birthday
full of laughter and joy!
Happy birthday, my wonderful wife!

I set out to get you the most amazing, meaningful, and heart-touching gift this year when I realized that you already have me! You truly are a very lucky lady!
Happy birthday to the light of my life
and partner in crime!

Tackling each day with someone as
wonderful as you by my side makes
me feel like anything is possible.

Thank you for making me the
happiest person in the world.
Dad, you are my biggest inspiration in life and the man I look up to most. I am so lucky to have the best guy in the world to guide and support me year after year.

I hope you have the best birthday ever.
Sending all my best to a faultless employee and a superb person!

Wishing you a very happy birthday today!
Happy birthday, miss.

For the amazing lady you are
And for all the good you do
I’m wishing the very best and
Happiest birthday to you.
Happy birthday to my dear sister who is
unlike any other.

You are truly unique and to me, you are as
special as can be. I can’t imagine there’s
another sister out there who is more
meaningful or as amazing as you are.
My dear fiancé, what a journey we
have been on so far!

We started out as friends but then
over time, it developed into something
far more beautiful and really special.

It didn’t take long for me to realise
you were the person I wanted to
spend the rest of my life with, and
now I am at the happiest point I
have ever been in my life as I can
proudly introduce you as my fiancé!

Happy birthday, my darling! Here’s to
making only happy memories today,
and many more for all the glorious
years ahead that we have together!
I’m sending the very best birthday wishes your way today, my adorable little cousin sister! May your special day be a beautiful one full of love, joy, and happiness!
Happy birthday, my love! You are so much more than simply a mother and wife; you’re our constant source of happiness and laughter!

May you have a fab and funny birthday that fills you with the same joy that you bring to us!
My dear fiancé, I am wishing you a truly wonderful birthday today!

You are an incredible companion who has made my life infinitely better.

I am the person that I am because of you, and you make me better in every possible way imaginable.

Your caring soul has rubbed off on me, and I am a better person for it.

Enjoy your special day, my love!
As we grow up we might spend less
time together compared to when we
were kids, but no matter how old we
get you will always have a special
place in my heart, brother.

May you have the wonderful birthday
that you deserve.
My kid is turning 7-years-old today! It seems like only yesterday that he was still in diapers!
To my kind, sweet, and thoughtful 
sister-in-law on your special day, 
I’m sending only the greatest 
birthday wishes your way. 

May this joyous occasion be
as special as you are to me, 
overflowing with happiness,
endless laughter, and glee.
Today is a particularly heartwarming day as my beautiful baby girl is turning one full year old! Happy birthday, my dear daughter!

You're the biggest blessing in my life and to simply say that I’m a proud parent would be an understatement!
You are such a special friend of mine and that’s why today, I am sending you a birthday message from my heart to yours.

May everything you’ve been wishing for in life come true for you this year, my dear.
The candles cost more than the cake
Lovely baby of mine, today marks the first year of your life, and what a year it was. Every second was filled with wonder and joy, even the less perfect moments were so special in their own way.

You are the light of my heart, the love of my life. Happy birthday, my angel!
Happy birthday, my little prince!

It’s already your ninth birthday and I couldn’t be more grateful to have such a wonderful little boy who makes me prouder with each passing year!

You truly are my pride and joy, son!
You're turning eighteen today
And now you're all grown up
No more treating you like a child,
From here on you're an adult.

You are more than ready
To start this next chapter
Never doubt yourself,
You’re more prepared than you think.

You have your whole life ahead of you
Live it as you may see fit.
Don’t take yourself too seriously
Or else you won’t enjoy it.

Explore the world,
Raise questions,
Challenge yourself
And be true to who you are.

Have a great 18th birthday!
Your birthday is on its way
It’s almost time, let’s not delay
Let us start the countdown
To your very special day!
A poem for my love
The one I adore
The one I would go
Beyond and above for
The love my heart has
It knows no bounds
You'll always be the one
I want to be around.

Happy birthday, dear.
Happy 1st birthday from your very proud aunt, my sweetheart! I may be biased, but you’re the most beautiful baby boy I have ever seen!
To the love of my life, the light of my heart, I’m wishing you the happiest birthday imaginable.

You deserve all the happiness in the world for the incredible person that you are, and I’m just so lucky that I get to spend each and every day with you beside me.

Enjoy your special day, my love, for you truly deserve it.