I set out to get you the most amazing, meaningful, and heart-touching gift this year when I realized that you already have me! You truly are a very lucky lady!
Dad, you are my biggest inspiration in life and the man I look up to most. I am so lucky to have the best guy in the world to guide and support me year after year.
Happy birthday to my dear sister who is unlike any other.
You are truly unique and to me, you are as special as can be. I can’t imagine there’s another sister out there who is more meaningful or as amazing as you are.
My dear fiancé, what a journey we have been on so far!
We started out as friends but then over time, it developed into something far more beautiful and really special.
It didn’t take long for me to realise you were the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, and now I am at the happiest point I have ever been in my life as I can proudly introduce you as my fiancé!
Happy birthday, my darling! Here’s to making only happy memories today, and many more for all the glorious years ahead that we have together!
I’m sending the very best birthday wishes your way today, my adorable little cousin sister! May your special day be a beautiful one full of love, joy, and happiness!
As we grow up we might spend less time together compared to when we were kids, but no matter how old we get you will always have a special place in my heart, brother.
May you have the wonderful birthday that you deserve.
Lovely baby of mine, today marks the first year of your life, and what a year it was. Every second was filled with wonder and joy, even the less perfect moments were so special in their own way.
You are the light of my heart, the love of my life. Happy birthday, my angel!
A poem for my love The one I adore The one I would go Beyond and above for The love my heart has It knows no bounds You'll always be the one I want to be around.
To the love of my life, the light of my heart, I’m wishing you the happiest birthday imaginable.
You deserve all the happiness in the world for the incredible person that you are, and I’m just so lucky that I get to spend each and every day with you beside me.
Enjoy your special day, my love, for you truly deserve it.