Happy Birthday Wisher

It’s completely understandable that you might be feeling as though I forgot your birthday this year, but that’s simply not what happened! I just couldn’t remember the exact day!

I knew it was around this time, so I at least deserve partial credit for that, right?

Happy birthday to you, anyway!
Many happy returns to you on your
special day.

My only wish for you on your birthday
today is that the good Lord continue to
bless your life. May you rejoice as God
watches over you today and always.
I have so much to thank you for, dad.

You are my number one fan and my biggest advocate. Thank you for always believing in me.

I hope you have an incredible birthday this year, just the way you deserve!
Have a blast today, birthday boy
Happy birthday to my boyfriend who
I miss dearly and wish was right here
beside me. I’m anxiously awaiting for
the day that this distance finally
becomes a thing of the past!

I am in serious need of some of your
big warm hugs and gentle kisses on
my forehead. 

Wishing you a lovely birthday, my love.
We’ll celebrate in person before you
know it!
It truly is a blessing not only to have
you as my brother, but also as my
best friend. Wishing you a very
happy birthday from your sister.
Surely the most special girl in the world deserves the most special birthday celebrations? I hope that’s exactly what you receive today, sweetheart!

Happy birthday!
Thanks for all the birthday love
Wishing a very special birthday to the birthday princess!

Thanks to you, my heart is always full of love and immense happiness, and I hope yours is too!
Happy birthday to my bonus brother!

At this point in my life I never thought I’d receive a brother, but I’m super ecstatic that I did!
Happy birthday to you, my special one!

I’m sending my very best wishes your way today, and I’m hoping that your birthday is as exceptional and wonderful for you as you are to me, my dear!

Big love to you!
A truly special boy deserves a truly special day! Happy 1st birthday!

I only want you to be content in life, my beautiful son, so my greatest wish is that you always follow your dreams as you grow and do what makes you happy!
Here are seven cheers for the birthday boy!

May your special day be full of cake, fun, and games! Happy birthday to you!
You mean more to me than I could
ever put into words, mom!

Wishing you the happiest birthday,
from your lucky daughter!
Happiest of birthdays to you from one of your greatest admirers! You are special to me each and every day, not just once a year on your birthday!
Happy birthday to one of my best friends!

We’ve been buddies for so long and made it this far, so I guess I’m stuck with you for life now!
Son, I have watched you grow up with great admiration over the last 18 years and if they have been anything to go by, you’re only going to continue getting more wonderful with age.

I wish you all the very best for this exciting new chapter in your life as an adult. Happy birthday and best wishes from dad.
New ventures often also bring new
people into your life, which is exactly
what happened and led me to meet
you, my new friend!

I’m so glad that I decided to pursue
this great opportunity which also
came with a great new friend!

Today I get to wish you a happy
birthday for the first time since
meeting you, and I look forward
to wishing you many more, my friend!
Today, my very best wishes go to a wonderful stepmother like no other!

The motherly love and kindness you have shown me since you entered my life will stay with me forever.

Wishing you happiness for the year ahead and a very happy birthday to you today!
You’re more of a father to me than any dad out there as you have always been there for me, come rain or shine.

I have a huge amount of respect for you and I want you to know that you will always be one of the most important guys in my life!

I’m wishing you a super birthday today!
You’re not getting any younger, bro
Happy birthday, dear client!

Thank you so much for your loyalty
and patronage over the years!
Happy birthday to you, my dearest sister from another!

I am so thankful to your mother and father for giving me the greatest gift in the world: you! You are a one-of-a-kind friend and one I am so lucky to have in my life.
My love for you
knows no bounds,
for you are my

Happy birthday my
dear sweetheart.
Happy birthday to the most wonderful spiritual leader there is. I am so blessed to have a guide like you to light the path and rely upon throughout my spiritual journey.

May this special day of yours recognize you and all of the great work that you do.