Happy Birthday Wisher

Our adorable little princess turns 1 today!

You are the center of our universe and
we hope you know just how loved you
are, little one!

We promise to love you unconditionally
and to our heart’s fullest extent, doing
everything we can to make you happy.

Happy 1st birthday to you!
Happy birthday to my best bud
You're the world’s greatest teacher, mom
Happy birthday to someone so very dear to my heart!

I am hoping that your special day brings you an infinite amount of happiness and some incredible, unforgettable memories.

Sending you lots of love and my biggest hugs, my dearest!
As you celebrate your 18th birthday today,
my beautiful daughter, you have my best
wishes and all the love in my heart.

The world is your oyster now more so
than ever, so may you go on to do many
wonderful things, my dear.
Happy birthday to my lovely grandson!

You are growing up way too fast, but
luckily you just keep getting more and
more wonderful! Never change, my dear.
Always be the kind, caring, beautiful
person that you are.

Have a joyous day and enjoy yourself,
my sweet grandchild!
Happy birthday, bestie.

There’s no other day more perfect than your birthday to tell you just how meaningful and touching your friendship is to me. I want you to know that you are so much more than just my best friend. To me, you’re more like a sister I never had.

I’ll always be grateful that I was blessed with someone as special as you in my life. You’re my soul sister and best friend forever, girl.
My beautiful sister, you have a heart of gold and a soul so sweet that it’s only right you have the most magnificent birthday this year. Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday to you! As you turn
twenty-one today, I want to send
my very best wishes to you.

I hope for only the greatest things
to come your way, and may your
future be bright and full of
wonderful adventures.
On this special day, I want to wish you a happy birthday. You, the boy with the prettiest and kindest smile I know.

You always have a smile on your face, and in return, the world always has a smile for you. You are a lucky boy who can reach for the stars.

I hope you have a great birthday and a wonderful year to come!
To my oldest and closest friend on your
special day, I’m hoping that everything
you’ve been wishing for comes your way.

May you have a marvellous birthday, as
you truly deserve the world for what an
incredible person you are!
Sweet aunty, you must tell me the secret of your eternal youth. What magical spell has been cast upon you? What offerings were made to please what god? What ointments from what rare plant have you been using? What magical potion did you drink? Is there a fountain of youth in your backyard where you go to bathe when no one is looking?

You haven’t aged a day since I met you - if anything you’re looking younger and younger. Always laughing, always joking around, always looking at the world as if you were seeing it for the first time.

Happy birthday to my forever young aunty!
On your special day, little princess, I want you to know how lucky we feel for having you in our lives.

You may drive us a little crazy sometimes… crazy with love for you. You have brought so much love into our lives that the least we could do is love you back. I hope you always know how loved you are.

Have a love-filled birthday, baby girl!
This special day is yours,
It belongs solely to you.
With it comes a small gesture
From me to you.

I wanted to gift you something 
Meaningful, yet understated.
A present that would leave you
Feeling loved and elated.

So my conclusion was this:
A sweet little poem
Designed to really
Get your birthday going!
Happy birthday to a truly diligent employee! You are such a dedicated worker and I am so lucky to have you as part of my team!

I hope that you have a wonderful birthday this year and enjoy a well-earned rest!
Son, I couldn’t be prouder of you and all of your achievements as you turn a year older today. 

You’re growing up to be a truly marvelous man. Happy birthday.
Wishing you the happiest of birthdays followed by the happiest of years, my dear!

I hope all the good things in life come your way this year!
You treat others with the same love and respect you would expect in return and that, my dear, is a truly admirable quality.

Bless you and your beautiful soul.

Let us be glad that you have been blessed with another glorious year of life and subsequent birthday to celebrate.

Happy birthday!
A friend as touching as you will always be more like a sister than just a bestie. I’m so grateful for you, girl. Happy birthday. 💗🎂
A sweet niece with a beautiful soul
I would tell you not to grow up too
quickly and simply cherish the years,
but you seem to be doing a pretty good
job of that all by yourself, my dear sister!

I’m wishing you a very happy birthday
and sending a big kiss!
Your friendship is one of the things I am
most grateful for in life.

Through the highs and the lows, the good
and not so good, you’ve always been right
by my side to see me through it.

Happy birthday and thank you for being
a true friend!
Today, you celebrate another year 
May the next one be just as dear. 

Happy birthday to you 🎂 
I can’t believe it has already been one whole year since we received the wonderful news that your beautiful baby boy had been born!

A very happy first birthday to your little one and I’m wishing health and happiness to you all!