Happy Birthday Wisher

Even though you’re far away on your
special day today, it’s okay as I know
we’ll have many more birthdays
together as a married couple someday!

Happy birthday, my dear!
A beautiful girl like you deserves
the most beautiful birthday full of
the most wonderful surprises!

Here’s to you on your special day,
my dear! Happy birthday!
A wonderful person like you doesn’t come along every day, which is why I praise you so highly and cherish you always. You are a ray of sunshine that makes everything brighter.

May you have the spectacular birthday that you’re so deserving of, my dear. 
Happy birthday, my dear best friend.

Believe in your dreams and never 
give up on them, girl. Don’t let 
anyone ever tell you otherwise ✨
Happy birthday to a dear friend I’m lucky enough to live with, or rather, who’s lucky to live with me!

You truly put the mate in roommate.
It’s your 12th birthday, sweet girl! Congratulations!

You deserve a truly special birthday this year, as not all 12-year-old girls are as grown up and as special as you!

So for a beautiful princess like you, I’m hoping and wishing that all of your dreams come true!
I grew up looking up to you because you were so tall. Today, I’m taller than you and still I look up to you. Have the best day ever, old man!
Keep calm and don’t have a mid-life crisis, my friend! You’re only turning 40!

You still have a few more years yet before you need to start worrying about the years creeping up on you! 

Wishing you a very happy 40th birthday!
Happy birthday, my dear son!

It doesn’t make any difference how old you get, whether you are 20, 30, or even 50, you will always be my little boy! You are my child and I’ll always see that little kid I raised, even well into your adulthood!

Big kisses from your mother, and with all my heart have a fabulous day!
Happy birthday to a very special one in my life! You make my days infinitely better; just thinking about you makes me smile!
Happy birthday to you! 

On your special day this year, I want
you to know that I’m so lucky to have
you as a cousin.

Really you’re like a brother to me, but
the fact that you’re my cousin means
I don’t have to put up with you 24/7!
While these birthday wishes may
be coming to you a bit further away
than I would like, they still hold the
same sentiment!

I wish I could celebrate with you
today, but I’m hoping your special
day is still wonderful for you, sweetie!
Happy birthday, my beloved brother!

It truly is a blessing to have such a good-hearted person as a sibling!
My mother is the greatest there is; a wonderful human being, a tough woman and my best friend.

I truly admire her and she has my full love and devotion. Today it’s her birthday and I want to celebrate her and her life.

And also, I want to tell the world how happy and proud I am to have her as a mother, for she was the one who shaped me into the person I am today.

I wish her the very best, and many more years of happiness to live!
People say you can’t choose your family,
but when it comes to you they’re wrong.

In you, I found a great friendship which,
over time, grew so strong that somewhere
along the way we became true sisters.

Our relationship is for life, that I know.
I truly love you, my dear, as much
as any sister could.

Wishing you all the bliss and cheerfulness
on your special day!
Happy birthday to you today, mam. May your special day today be delightful and see that you are pampered for the truly wonderful woman that you are.
These simple birthday wishes contain a very special message, to tell you what a heart-touching brother you are to me. Happy birthday to you. 
Happy birthday to my old-age brother!

Be careful when you’re blowing out the candles on your cake today that your false teeth don’t fall out!

I’m just kidding with you, bro. Age ain’t nothing but a number! I hope you have a wonderful day and enjoy however many more birthdays you have left!
My beloved son, as you turn 18 may you cherish all of the wonderful things that are already in your life and continue to welcome even more.
Happy birthday to the kindest mother-in-law in the whole wide world!

Wishing you a blissful birthday this year!
A friend like you is more than just a friend. We share a brotherly bond that makes our friendship so wonderful and unlike any other.

My life is great because I have you in it, as I’m truly blessed to have a best friend like you.

Happy birthday, buddy.
Like father, like son
Is all I’ve ever wanted to be
You’re a truly inspirational
And wonderful man to me
I am very blessed to have 
A role model who’s so great
One of whom each day
I’m proud to celebrate.

Happy birthday, dad, from 
Your always admiring son.
I can’t remember life before you and nor would I ever want to. You have made me the happiest girl on the planet and I will forever adore you, my gorgeous man!

Happy anniversary to us today, and here’s to our future together!
Teachers as great as you are hard to come by! You are so dedicated and you want nothing but the best for your students. Have a great birthday!

People say as you get older, you become wiser. This is so true… about everyone else. These people obviously haven’t met you.

Don’t be mistaken, you are old. You are really old. But not the least bit smarter.

Have a great birthday, dear friend!