Happy Birthday Wisher

There is no message long enough and
there are simply no words to sufficiently
describe how important you are to me.

You are my best friend and I cherish
you dearly, as friendships like ours
don’t come along every day.

Happy birthday to you.
Happy 70th birthday to my dear partner who is as beautiful now as ever. Sending all my love to you on your special day.
Happy birthday to my dear cousin!

We were inseparable as kids,
spending almost every minute
together! I honestly don’t know
what I would’ve done without
you growing up!

In truth, we’ve always been so close
and we were together so much
throughout our childhood that I have
always seen you more like a sister
to me than a cousin.

Wishing you all the love and happiness
in the world on your special day!
It is true that on paper you are my
cousin, but in my heart, you are
more like a sister to me.

I have so much love and admiration
for you, my dear, and I hope you
know that I will always be here for
you whenever you need me!

I’m wishing you the very best birthday
possible today and I wish you but
happiness for all the days to come!
To the woman who has acted as
my protector, my counselor, and
my mentor, I am wishing you a
very happy birthday today!

You have been with me every step
of the way, guiding me through life
ever since I was a child.

You truly are a remarkable lady and
I simply can’t thank you enough for
everything you have done for me!
Happy birthday
To my love,
An angel sent
From above.
I hope your special
Day this year
Brings you happiness
And joy, my dear!
Happy birthday, cousin!

I miss all of our happy childhood
moments we had when we were
growing up together!
Star-crossed lovers from the start, we were never meant to be romantically. I’m still grateful to have a guy like you in my life as a friend though! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday from your favourite child, papa! May your special day today fill you with an abundance of love and happiness!
Happy birthday, my dear cousin!

There aren’t many people I would choose to be my cousin and there are even fewer I’d choose to be my sister. Luckily, I didn’t have to choose between either with you as I was handed the 2 in 1!
Happy birthday to the girl of my dreams!

I honestly couldn't wish for a better girl in my life than you, my sweetheart. You complete me and fill me with happiness. I’m truly grateful for your love and devotion.
Dear cousin, today we get to celebrate
yet another fantastic year of your life.

I hope you have a day that is as
sensational as you are, and I wish that
with this birthday life continues to bring
you good health, good fortune and all
the happiness possible.

Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to one of my dearest relatives! You might only be my cousin but to me, you will always be much more like an annoying younger sister!
My dearest wife,

These years together have been the best. Endless moments of tenderness and beauty have we shared. I feel like the luckiest man on earth. Thank you for our wonderful children and for always keeping me in the light.

A happy, happy birthday, at least as happy as you make me!
Happy twentieth birthday, son!

This special milestone feels like the perfect
time to tell you how incredibly proud I am
of the wonderful young man that you’re
becoming. You truly are my pride and joy!

I hope you have a spectacular day and a
fab year ahead!
Congratulations on getting through another year, sis! I know you couldn’t have done it without the love and support of your dear elder sibling! 
My darling girl is celebrating her 9th birthday today! Oh my, where does the time go!

To have such a wonderful and beautiful young girl for a daughter makes me one proud mom and I couldn’t have any more love in my heart than I already do!
Happy birthday to my beautiful
granddaughter! I’m wishing my little
princess a magical birthday today!
Today marks a very important
occasion as it’s the birthday of a
special someone who is very dear
to my heart! Happy birthday to you!

You truly are the apple of my eye,
someone I care about deeply and
have a lot of admiration for!
Happy birthday to someone truly special who has been such a prominent male figure to me!

Not only are you my godfather, guiding me through life’s challenges and providing me with countless invaluable lessons, you’re also a second father to me.

I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything that you’ve done for me!
Happy birthday from your adoring godchild! You have been my guiding light for so many years now, and I’m hoping that this year blesses you with all the goodness that you are so deserving of!

Sending all my love to you today!
Happy birthday to a very special
granddaughter, who is the light and
life of this family!

Your bright personality and
positiveness never fail to light up
any room, and family gatherings
are always better when you’re around!

Thank you for providing us with yet
another glorious year of happiness!

Wishing you the very best birthday, dear!

All our love,
Gramms & Gramps
The sweetest little princess in all the land is celebrating her very first birthday today! I’m sending all my love and big kisses to you today!
To the light of my life and my eternal happiness, I’m wishing you a fabulous birthday unlike any other before! Big kisses to you!
Happy birthday, cuz! Sometimes I forget that you’re my cousin, as you’re much more like an annoying little brother!