Happy Birthday Wisher

Cheers to you on your 21st birthday
Early wishes from my heart to yours
You have a special spot in my heart, brother
The world’s most wonderful aunty
Happy birthday to my special one
Growing up is more fun with you
You may be older now. You may be all grown up.
You may have a job, a career and a family of your own.
You may be old enough to drive and to have a drink.
You may have grown-up conversations and meetings.

But to me, you haven’t changed a bit.
You will always be my little baby brother.
I wish you all the best on your special day.
I am so blessed to live next door to
someone as kind and considerate as you.
Thank you so much for being the perfect
neighbor and friend.

Happy birthday to you, I’m sending my
very best wishes your way today.
Dear Sir, you are a true inspiration to me. You are a guide, a guru, and a friend all rolled into one. You have such a beautiful mind. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, visions and advice.

I’m so blessed to have met you and to have been taken under your wing. Have an amazing birthday and many more years to come, Sir!
Best wishes to my brother from another
A sweet angel is turning 7 today
A very special friend and colleague
Happy birthday, little one! You might not be so little anymore, but you’ll always be my little sis!

I’ll always be here for whatever you need, always with open arms and a loving embrace. You mean the world to me my small, beautiful sister!
A magnificent little princess is turning 5 today! Happy 5th birthday, sweetie!

I am hoping for this very special birthday of yours to be filled with sparkles and things so sweet!

Sending lots of kisses and big birthday wishes to you today!
Wishing the happiest birthday
to my craziest friend!

You are a complete and utter
nutter and I wouldn’t change
that for the world!

With you, I am always
entertained and never bored!

I hope you have a mad birthday
this year, my friend!
You are our spiritual shepard,
showing us the way and leading
us towards righteousness.

Happiest of birthdays to you, and
thank you for everything that you do!
Your birthday has come around once again and I’m wishing you the very best as always. Enjoy your special day, my friend.
Happy birthday to the one who holds my heart! You deserve only the very best on your special day as you truly do mean everything to me!
Happy birthday to you, pal!

I’m wishing you the happiest of birthdays today and all the luck in the world for the year ahead. I’m rooting for you and hoping that it’s one full of success and great results for you.
Happy 10th birthday and welcome to the double-digit club!

Now and for many, many years to come, you are a member of the double-digit club, my dear!

Wishing you lots of happiness on your special day and the best first year as the newest member of the club!
Wishing you happiness, brother-in-law
Happy birthday to the person I love
and care about more than anyone
else in the world!

You are the light of my life, my source
of constant happiness. To say that
you’re a blessing to me would be a
huge understatement!
Wishing you many blessings from God, dear priest
Happy 25th, son!

Watching you grow into the wonderful man that you are today has been the single most heart touching experience of my life.

I’m confident that you’ll only continue to get more magnificent with age, too!
13 today! Welcome to your teenage years!

Thirteen is a magical age, with so many
new experiences on the horizon for you!

Enjoy this new chapter in your life and
cherish these youthful years, as you’ll
never get them back!

You’re no longer the little kid we once
knew and loved, now you’re on the path to
becoming the adolescent that we adore!

Have a joyous birthday and many happy
years to come!