There is no way that you are 40-years-old at heart, that number is just a facade! You’re much more like an 18-year-old at heart, with 22 years experience!
I hope you have a young and fun birthday just as you deserve, my friend!
Never forgotten and forever in our hearts, today we celebrate your birthday without you down here on earth. Wishing you love and peace in heaven, lovely lady.
May your birthday this year bring you all the luck and strength required to see you through your studies and exams. I know how challenging and exhausting being a student can be, so I’m wishing you all the very best!
Many nights we stayed up late just sharing our innermost feelings, our deepest thoughts and our most troublesome worries. We made up games and created secret signals that only we knew.
Today, we may not spend as much time together as we used to or as we would like to, but you can be sure that you are still the most amazing person in my life.
I count my blessings often for having a wonderful and loving husband like you, but on that one particularly special day every year that your birthday comes around I thank my lucky stars that I was fortunate enough to spend another year with you by my side. I’m forever grateful for having you in my life, my love.
Happy birthday to you with lots of love from your ever-adoring wife.
Today, we celebrate the wonder that you are, my one true love. I am beyond blessed to have you in my life and I am thankful for you each and every day. You truly are a very special person.
Brother, I’m wishing for all of the most wonderful things in life to come your way on your special day today. You’ve always been there for me and I want you to know that I’ll always be there for you too.
If there’s one thing we can always count on it’s each other, brother. Happy birthday to you from your forever present sister.
Wishing you a hearty happy birthday today, my dear best friend.
I could search far and wide, but I already know that I’ve found my most favourite person in the whole wide world. You truly are the best friend a girl could wish for. You mean so much to me, bestie.