Happy Birthday Wisher

Happy birthday to you, my dear kid
brother! I’m wishing you all the
happiness in the world as you turn
another year older today!

I must say that you really are growing
up to be a wonderful person, just like
your elder sibling!
It’s mine and my twin sister’s birthday
Girl, you’re the big yellow sunshine
in my life that warms my heart and
brightens my days!

I’m sending you the most beautiful
birthday wishes today, my lovely
best friend!
Today, my wonderful son turns
a quarter of a century old!

To say I am proud of you as you
reach this magnificent milestone
would be a huge understatement.

May you continue to fill my heart
with pride by being the inspirational
person that you are, and here’s to
the next 25 years being as great
as the first have been!

Happy birthday!
A birthday wish from my heart to yours, love
You’ve achieved sister status, my friend
I can’t believe you’re 2 years old already,
my little princess! You’re growing up so
fast, in the blink of an eye!
I’m blessed to have a best friend like you
You're more than just a great leader
No distance can keep us apart
Today is my birthday but not mine alone
To my mentor and guiding light
6 wonderful wishes for you
Happy birthday to my not-so-little brother!

Of course, you’ve had a great role model to follow but I truly am so proud of the man you’re growing up to be.
I can’t quite express just how much all of your birthday wishes meant to me today. I cherished each and every one of them, and want you all to know how very much I appreciate each of you taking a little time out of your day to think of me.

My sincere heartfelt thanks to you all!
The most gorgeous girl in the world
Today’s your special day, my dear!
Happy birthday to you!

You’re the most remarkable person
I’ve ever met and I’m truly blessed
to have someone like you in my life.

I hope you’ll always be around so
that I can appreciate you for many
more years to come.
My sweet granddaughter, you are getting bigger and growing up quick as today you turn 11 years old.

I am so proud of the beautiful girl you have grown up to be so far, inside and out.

I’m wishing you the loveliest 11th birthday with all my heart, and may you only keep getting sweeter, kinder, and more beautiful as the years pass.
I’ll always be there for you, little sister
May you have a prosperous year ahead
A truly wonderful priest
You deserve the most special birthday wishes
My best friend, the birthday girl
A brother is someone you can trust and rely on
You are so very special to me