Happy Birthday Wisher

The world was blessed when you were born and we were blessed when you entered our family. Every year that goes by, we grow to love and appreciate you even more.

We wish a happy birthday to a special daughter-in-law and wonderful person!
A year spent with you is a year full of love! Happy anniversary, my girl!

I know that my love for you will only grow with time, and I am so excited to see what the future holds for us!
With each passing year, you gain one extra wish for your special day. You have been granted seven wishes for your seventh birthday today so make each one count, sweet boy!

I’m wishing you a very happy 7th birthday!
If a friend is forever
My darling, although I may not be with you in person to celebrate this special day, I am wishing you the very best from afar.

Remember that patience is a virtue, my love. We just need to wait patiently for a little longer and it’ll be so worth it when we see each other again.

Happy birthday, my gorgeous man! All of your wishes will soon come true!
You’re only 1-year-old and I can already tell that you’re going to have a huge impact on this world, my darling son! Happy 1st birthday today!
I’m writing this message as a token of my appreciation to all those who wished me well on my birthday this year. Thanks for adding a bit of sparkle to my day.
Happy 17th birthday, bestie!

Today’s a day to celebrate
how wonderful you are, and
to give thanks for all the selfless
things that you so thoughtfully
do for everyone!

For that reason and more, I’m
wishing you a day that’s as great
as you are and I’m hoping that
it’ll be your happiest by far!

Big hugs and kisses to you on
your special day!
Happy birthday to a wonderful lady like
no other! Your strong yet approachable
leadership style is second to none, and
just one of the things that makes you
the fantastic boss that you are!

Here’s to you and many more
prosperous years to come!
For the most respectable and
inspirational person I know,
I’m sending only the very
best birthday wishes today!

May your special day be as
truly remarkable as you are!
I feel your absence every day, but whenever I see something that reminds me of you it always brings a smile to my face. Happy birthday, my dear.
Forever hand in hand
Always two by two
I’m so blessed to have
A friend and twin in you!

Happy birthday to us!
Happy birthday to someone who
changes lives and shapes the
future of many on a daily basis!

Enjoy your day, principal!
For a truly sublime superior, I’m wishing an absolutely fantastic and super spectacular birthday today! All the very best to you and many happy returns!
This has been another successful year. Thank you for never giving up on me and for always keeping me going. I’m always thirsty for knowledge and I have a hunger for achieving more.

May God bless you on your very special day. Have an awesome birthday, dear mentor!
You’re so much more than just
a colleague to me!

I consider you to be a very dear
friend of mine and the way I see
it it’s only a bonus that we get to
spend as much time hanging out
together as we do!

Happy birthday to you!
I’m wishing the happiest and most wonderful birthday ever to my gorgeous grandson who turns 2 today. You truly are the warmth in your grandma’s heart, baby boy.
Wishing one of the greatest men
I know, my dear uncle, a very
happy birthday today!

I hope you have the most
amazing time!
It has gone midnight and you know what that means: you have now officially entered into your teens!

Happy 13th birthday, my dear!

I’m wishing you a great start to being a teenager and hoping that you enjoy the best years of your life!
Happy birthday to my everlasting number one! Friendships just don’t get any closer or any better than this, my friend! My very best wishes to you, as always!
A friend like you will always be so much more than just that. To me, you are my soul sister through and through. Happy birthday to you.
My love for you yearns greater than this distance between us, but I find comfort knowing we’ll be back in each other’s arms before long.

Happy birthday and know that I’m thinking of you today, my handsome future husband!
Congratulations on
completing 16 wonderful
trips around the sun!

Wishing you many more
happy years to come!
Dad, you are a man who is more
meaningful to me than any other.
You are the most inspirational
figure in my life, and the man I
always aspire to be.

In short, you’re one in a million,
dad. Happy birthday to you.
Today I am wishing a very special and
very old friend of mine an extremely
happy birthday!

We might not hang out as much as we
used to, but I’ll always cherish the
moments we shared and the memories
we made together.

Some of the best times in my life have
been with you, and even if we go weeks or
months without seeing or speaking to each
other, in me you’ll always have a true
lifelong friend that you can always rely on.

Wishing you all the best, my friend, and
hoping that you enjoy your day!