Happy Birthday Wisher

Congratulations to the parents-to-be
I can’t think of anyone better to have as a best friend than you, as you simply are the greatest because of everything that you do. You are a truly fabulous blessing in my life and in my heart. I love you, girl.

May you have a birthday that’s as special and as wonderful as you deserve. Best wishes to you. 
Many congratulations
on reaching this
incredible milestone!

I hope you have a very
happy 50th birthday!
On behalf of all the parishioners here, we
are wishing a very happy birthday to our
mighty fine parish priest!

Our heavenly father chose to send you to
teach us the way, and we are so thankful
that he did! We couldn’t have hoped for a
better priest than you!

May you enjoy your special day in all its
joy and splendor!
I’m sending my very best birthday wishes to you today as you turn another year older, my best friend and brother! May you have a truly awesome day!
Birthday gifts are overrated I think, sis, so starting from now I think we should just exchange sweet birthday wishes instead! Happy birthday, my dear!
If another year has passed, why are you looking younger? Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to a truly great man!

You took on the role of being my godfather and the huge responsibility that comes with it, keeping your vow to support and look out for me.

I hope you know I’m eternally grateful for all of your efforts and the sacrifices you’ve made for me.

Enjoy your special day - you deserve it more than anyone I know!
Today marks your 70th birthday and there’s still no sign of you slowing down yet! Here’s to another decade of living life to the fullest!
Happy birthday to you today, my fabulous daughter!

There is a very special and unique bond between a daughter and her dad, and I thank my lucky stars each and every day that I get to share that bond with you. 

I’m sending my very best wishes to you today on your special day, my sweet girl. Lots of love from dad.
Your birthday is fast approaching and so while I’m thinking about it, let me wish you a happy birthday now before I forget!
Many happy returns to you! May this year take you on an incredible adventure that sees you make lots of special memories!
Happy birthday to the most gorgeous chic!

I want you to know you’re not just my
cousin but more like a sister to me!
We’ve shared so many special
times together that there are too
many to name, girl! I’m wishing
you a spectacular birthday today!
I’m absolutely buzzing to wish you a happy bee-day today, honey!

I hope you have an un-bee-lievable day!
You honestly wouldn’t be able to tell that it’s your birthday today since you don’t appear to have aged a day over the past 10 years!

Happy birthday to you and may you keep your youthful looks for many more years to come, my dear!
Never ending beauty
To me, that’s what you are
Providing joy and happiness
Whether you’re near or far.

So on your special day
I just want you to know
That you are very dear to me
And that feeling will only grow.

I’m sending you sweet wishes,
Happy birthday to you.
I hope you know that to me, you are and always will be the most special person in my life. Wishing you a happy and heart-touching birthday, special one. 
As you turn the magical age of 17, I’m 
wishing you the best in life, sweet teen.

May you have a truly beautiful birthday!
Happy birthday to a senior relative of mine who still isn’t showing his age… Nor is he acting it!

I’m wishing you a wonderful day today, uncle!
Happy birthday to my lifelong best bud!

You’ve been with me from the beginning and you’ll be with me forevermore! There’s no getting rid of me now!
People say that you get more beautiful with age, but surely they mean you become more beautiful on the inside because the cracks are certainly starting to show on the outside!

I’m just kidding with you, sis! I hope you have a wonderful birthday today!
Happy birthday to you, my dear.

As you turn 11 years old today, my only wish for you is that you continue to be the happy child that you’ve always been.

May you always have a smile on your face, enough laughter to lift your soul, and as much love as possible to warm your heart.
Today, I’m wishing the absolute
Happiest birthday possible to
The very best person and most
Beautiful girl in the whole world!

I hope your special day today fills
Your heart with love and your soul
With joy, and here’s to all the years
We have to look forward to together,
Full of precious moments that’ll
Turn into wonderful memories.
Wishing you the most magical thirteenth birthday possible, my dear!

I hope it is everything you had hoped it would be!