Happy Birthday Wisher

Happy birthday to a sweet and cheerful young man who brightens each and every day for me! Sending you lots of love on your special day today, my dear!
For someone who is so much more than
merely a brother to me, I am wishing the
most spectacular birthday today!

May this special day of yours reward you
with all that is great in this world as you
truly deserve it, brother.
You give hope and care to so many,
and the sacrifices alone that you’ve
made for complete strangers is more
than worthy of commendation.

I hope you know just how highly
respected you are!

May you have a truly wonderful
birthday today, nurse!
You’re more than just a nurse; you’re a true guardian angel sent from the heavens above to watch over those who need caring for.

Happy birthday to you today!
Congratulations to you on your forthcoming birthday! These birthday wishes will be ready and waiting for you on your big day!
I’m wishing the happiest of birthdays to you today, my dear best friend.

I hope that your heart is filled with love and you are overwhelmed with glee on your very special day. May you shed tears of joy and cry with happiness, girl.
Happy birthday to you today, my friend.

Always remember that I’m just around
the corner and that you’re welcome to
pop in anytime.
To our lovely daughter-in-law, we wish a birthday celebration filled with everything you most adore and we hope life may bless you with happiness.
I spent too much time trying to
come up with the perfect birthday
wish, and then ended up missing
your birthday altogether!

Sorry! Happy belated birthday!
Who needs lots of different friends
when I have a best friend like you!
To me, you’re worth a thousand
friends, bestie!
We might not share the same parents, but you’re still a brother to me all the same!

Happy birthday to you today, bro!
Happy birthday, teacher!

I think that for your birthday this year, you should postpone all homework and any planned exams for a while…

I mean, surely you don’t want to be grading papers around your birthday!

You should just relax and not worry about setting any work that’s too taxing or strenuous! I’ve checked with my fellow classmates and none of us mind at all!

Enjoy your relaxing and stress-free birthday this year, teach!
Wishing the loveliest lady who has always been there for me the most wonderful birthday ever today!

You are more than a friend to me, you are like family. I sometimes wonder if we are sisters who were separated at birth!

Happy birthday and love you lots, sis!
Happy 50th birthday, my friend!

Don’t let this big milestone make
you feel like you’re becoming
older because to me you just seem
to be getting younger and younger!

Enjoy this birthday for what it is:
a celebration of you and your
amazing life of achievements
over the past half of a century!

All the very best to you
and congratulations!
Happy birthday, girl! We’ve been through the best of times and the worst of times together, but the main thing is that we were always there for each other.
There is beauty in simplicity, so I’ll keep my birthday wishes to you this year short and sweet. Happy birthday, my friend.
To my globetrotting friend who has a deep meaning in my life, may you have a wonderful birthday today wherever you’re choosing to spend your special day!
Happy birthday to you, my love.

Since the day you entered my life,
my world has changed for the better.
Today would be the birthday of my father.
I’ll continue to celebrate in your memory,
the great man that you were.
Happy birthday!

Seeing as it’s your birthday I would
cook for you, but that wouldn’t go well!

Instead, I’ll take you out for dinner,
my treat! My gift to you!
Happy birthday to a uniquely remarkable human: my stepdad! Sending lots of love your way on your special day today!
A dear friend like you warms my heart each and every day just by being the amazing girl that you are. You truly are the most fabulous friend, and one I cherish with all my heart.

Happy birthday to you today, and here’s to many more years of our unique and special friendship.
Celebrating your birthday today fills
me with emotion, girl. I am so lucky
to have a loyal and supportive bestie
like you, and seeing you grow another
year older and more wonderful than
ever before is a blessing. 

Our friendship has stood the test of
time, and I will cherish the memories
that we have made together forever
and ever. May we enjoy many more
long years of making memories and
being best friends, girl!

I have so much love for you, my dear.
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to the most beautiful
little princess ever to exist!

I hope you have a magical day, and that
everything you wished for comes true!

Wishing you only the happiest things
in life and a very happy birthday,
my sweet little girl!
Happy birthday to someone
so special and so dear,
let's get your birthday
moving up a gear this year!