From the boy you were To the man you’ve become To simply say I am proud Of everything you have done Doesn’t even begin to describe My immense pride for you, son.
Happy 18th birthday to you. May You have a lifetime of happiness.
It seems that in the blink of an eye 18 years have come and gone So on this very special birthday I’m Taking the opportunity to wish you The very best for today and beyond.
Each year that I have you in my life to cherish is another blessing, my dear boy, but your 18th birthday is a particularly special year to celebrate.
May all the happiness in the world come your way as you celebrate your first day of adulthood today. Happy birthday, son, from your ever-adoring mother.
If ever there was a time to tell you how incredibly important you are and just how much you mean to me, it would be today on your 18th birthday. Happy birthday and best wishes to you, my dear son.
Happy birthday and congratulations on finally becoming an adult! You might still have some growing up to do but you’re definitely well on your way, son!