18th Birthday Wishes

166 happy birthday wishes found:

I want to welcome you into adulthood. You're too old to hang out with your parents, but not too old to still let them make your bed! Happy 18th birthday!
Happy 18th birthday! Look at you, looking all grown up, but really you’re still just a sweet child at heart!

This is the beginning of your adult years and of your life. Cherish every moment and enjoy every experience, so that one day, you can look back and appreciate every moment you have lived.

But don’t try to live it too fast, there's plenty of time to do everything that you want. You still have your whole life ahead of you.

Have an amazing birthday!
Happy 18th birthday!

Today is the beginning of the rest of your
life, so make sure you savor it and enjoy
this new and exciting chapter!

I have no doubt that you will settle into
adulthood just fine, as you have already
proved yourself to be a mature and
sensible individual.

Many congratulations on reaching this
milestone in your life, and I wish you but
prosperity for the years ahead!
Happy in between birthday!

Last year was your very special sweet 16th birthday and next year will be your all-important 18th, so that makes this year, your 17th, your in between birthday!

That doesn’t mean it has to be any less fun or significant, though!

Each and every year of your life is as special as the next, as it marks another year that the most wonderful person ever has been on this earth!

Take this year to enjoy a slightly calmer birthday, before your big blowout of a birthday next year!

A very happy 17th birthday to you!
Your 18th birthday has arrived, and it certainly is a very special one!

In my eyes, you have always been very mature for your age and well beyond your years, but today marks that you are officially an adult! While your coming of age brings you a variety of new responsibilities, it also brings lots of exciting new opportunities and experiences!

Enjoy today and this momentous new chapter of your life. I wish you all the success and happiness that you so very deserve!
Today you turn 18.
You think you know everything
About what makes the world turn
But there is so much more yet to learn.

What a great kid you were,
Today still a teen you are,
Though it’s no secret of the occult,
You will be a fabulous adult.

Welcome to maturity.
Welcome to reality.
But keep a bit of the fantasy
For tonight it's time to party!

Have a great 18th birthday!
You may still be a teenager, but your 18th birthday is a reminder that those years are coming to an end and you’re entering adulthood!

You’re already so grown up that I am certain you will adjust to this new phase of your life with ease!

They will probably be some of the best years of your life, with so many new adventures awaiting you. Make the most of every opportunity, and most of all make sure you enjoy it!

Have a great birthday!
Happy 18th birthday!
Now the fun really starts!

Enjoy your newfound freedom
and privileges, my friend!
Happy 18th birthday, my dear!

As you’re nearing the end of your teens,
we've all seen a big change in you.
It’s as though you’ve become a grown
up overnight!

Keep going on this fantastic path you’ve
started, we’re all very proud of you!

Big kisses on this momentous birthday!
Today is your 18th birthday! It is time to say goodbye to zits and curfews and hello to wrinkles and parking tickets. Have an amazing day!

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