My super adorable son is already a 1-year-old! No longer are we counting the months leading up to your 1st birthday, for today you've reached one whole year!
Thank you for filling my heart with so much love this past year, my darling boy!
Today is the first birthday of my beautiful baby boy! Happy birthday, my sweetheart!
You are a little treasure and you deserve a lifetime of happiness, which is why I’ll make it my mission to ensure that’s exactly what you get, little one!
My wonderful little boy turns 1 today! Happy first birthday, my sweetheart!
You might not fully know or understand yet, but I love you with my whole heart. There truly isn’t anything as special or as unique as a mother’s love for her son.
My beloved baby boy, today we celebrate your first birthday ever. Happy birthday, son from mom. May each year of your life yet to come be filled with pure happiness.
Mommy and daddy are celebrating your first birthday ever, our special son!
For the one whole year that you’ve been on this earth, you haven’t stopped spreading your love for a single minute! We love you so much, cute baby boy!