21st Birthday Quotes and Wishes

107 happy birthday wishes found:

A 21st birthday is a very special and significant milestone in anybody’s life, but especially so when it’s the celebration of such a wonderful girl like you!

Many congratulations and a very happy birthday to you!

I hope that all of your hopes and aspirations come true for you at this momentous stage of your life.
A spectacular milestone
Your 21st holds the key to adulthood
Happy 21st birthday from mom, my dear.

Today, you truly become a woman, and a wonderful woman at that. I am so blessed to have a grown up daughter like you who makes me an even prouder parent each year.
Your 21st holds the key to your future
Cheers to you on your 21st birthday
Many congratulations on your 21st! Wishing you success and happiness on your very special birthday!
Your 21st is a birthday to remember, daughter
May your 21st hold the key to your future, daughter
As you turn 21 today, daughter, know that
my heart is so full of love and pride for you.
You have grown up to become a wonderful
woman and you truly do deserve the world.

May this marvellous milestone birthday
open many fabulous doors for you and 
present you with endless opportunities.

Happy 21st birthday from mom. 
My darling daughter, it brings me
so much joy to be wishing you a
very happy 21st birthday today!

I will always be proud of you and
I am truly blessed to be the mother
of a daughter like no other!
21 is a truly magnificent milestone
The proud parent of a 21-year-old girl
A daughter as spectacular as you
deserves a celebration just as
extraordinary on her 21st birthday!

May this magnificent milestone bring
a birthday to remember, full of many
magical moments and wonderful
memories to cherish forevermore.

Sending you lots of love on your
special day, daughter!
May your 21st birthday bring you happiness
Wishing you a 21st birthday well spent
Happy 21st birthday to the smartest,
funniest, most beautiful girl there is!

You're a ray of sunshine in anybody’s
life, so may your special day sparkle
and shine just like you do in the
hearts of all those around you.
Daughter, as you turn 21 today
I’m hoping that all of the very
Best in life comes your way.

Happy 21st birthday from dad.
Happy birthday! Your very special 21st
birthday holds the key to your future!

You’ve had a few years of practice now,
but today truly marks the beginning of
being an adult for you.

You are young, smart, and have the
world at your feet! I have every faith in
you that you will thrive and be successful
in whatever you choose to do in life!

Many happy returns and congratulations
on your 21st birthday!
Your 21st birthday is a special time indeed,
where you’re given the key that unlocks
the door to your future!

I hope that the path ahead is bright and
kind to you, for you’re a great person who
deserves the very best in life!

Happy birthday and many congratulations!
Your 21st birthday is your year
to shine, girl!

May it be truly fabulous and a
year that you look back on as
one of the best years of your life.

I’m sending you all the love in the
world on your special day, sweetie.
I have never been prouder of you
than I am today on your 21st birthday.
Wishing you a happy and heartfelt
birthday with lots of love from mom. 
May your 21st birthday sparkle as beautifully as glitter and dazzle like a diamond, my dear daughter! Happy 21 years of being fabulous!
Happy birthday to you!

A glam girl like you deserves a super spectacular 21st birthday today!

May you be showered with golden glitter and gorgeous gifts as you celebrate your special day. I’m wishing only the best for you, my dear!
As you turn 21 today, I was just reminiscing about all of your impressive achievements and all of the wonderful moments we have shared together.

I hope that your 21st birthday marks a fabulous start to your adult life and that you are always blessed with great opportunities and exciting adventures!

Wishing you a very happy birthday and many congratulations!

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