Happy Birthday Wisher

A fabulous niece deserves the most fabulous 18th birthday in the history of birthday celebrations!

I hope your special day is a memorable and happy one, my dear.
Always remember this, my friend:
work hard and play hard. The latter
of which we will be doing later on!

Happy birthday to you today!
Today is the birthday of
an irresistible baby boy!
Happy birthday! 

I also extend my wishes to
the parents who created such
an adorable little human!
Never in my life did I think it would be possible to find a friend so great, especially not one who would go on to become my wife. Thank you for being the greatest friend, life partner, and lover a guy could wish for. 💐
It's hard to believe that it was 14 years
ago today that we welcomed you into
the world as the cutest little baby.

How time flies, and who would’ve thought
you would grow up to make such a huge
impact on so many lives already.

Happy birthday from your proud parents,
mom and dad.
Happy birthday to the sweetest kid ever!

I’m wishing you the happiest of celebrations today with lots of laughter and lots of fun, and I just hope that your cake today is as nice and sweet as the person you are!
Happy 16th birthday, my dude! May you have a cool and chilled sweet sixteen!
Today is your day and I'll do everything in my power to make sure it's a happy one for you, my dear wife. Sending you birthday wishes full of love.
Happy birthday to you, my dear!

You are a blessing from heaven, sent from the angels themselves.

I’m praying that you have a healthy year ahead, and I hope you have a wonderful day celebrating the joy of life with all of your loved ones today! 
Happy birthday to a fierce female leader!

You’re a fabulous superior and I am so
blessed to be able to work under your
command. You truly are a mentor like
no other!

Thank you for all of the lessons and
wisdom you’ve imparted to me!
Wishing a very happy
birthday to the man I
miss the most: my
one true love.

I hope these kisses
reach you quickly!
Happy birthday, big bro!

You’re the coolest guy I know and it’s no secret that I’ve always looked up to you. I hope you have a really chill birthday today!

Sending you big hugs and the very best wishes on your birthday!
I could never call you my father-in-law. You’re the most incredible person in my life and the most amazing friend. You are more like a dad to me.

Thank you for all of your efforts over the years! Have the most amazing day of all!
Happy 21st birthday, mate!

I hope you have the biggest, best, most extravagant celebrations yet on this particularly momentous birthday of yours!

Be sure to enjoy it with all of your family and loved ones, and make it a truly memorable one!
Every waking moment
Spent with you is bliss
There’s not a single moment
That I would want to miss.

I have a lot of love
For you and you alone
You’re more precious to me
Than the rarest gemstone.

Happy birthday to you, 
Love of my life!
Even after all this time together, you
never cease to amaze me, my love!

Your spontaneity and thoughtfulness
are just a couple of attributes out of
the multitude of things I love about
you the most!

Happy anniversary, my beautiful girl!
Happy birthday to my heart touching brother who deserves all the love and respect I have for him!

I’ll always look up to you, big bro!
I wish you all the best on your birthday, little cutie pie. I hope you enjoy these years of innocence for as long as you can.

Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to you on this special day, my dear.

You are a perfect gift from above, one of which I thank the Lord for each and every day in my prayers.

Have a beautiful day and keep shining on this world so brightly and so graciously!
Birthdays only happen once a year, so I can’t let this day go by without wishing my extended sister a happy birthday.

We are all so blessed to have you in our lives. You are so caring and always go through great lengths to assure everyone around you is happy and well. Our family wouldn’t be complete without you in it.

So this is my way of thanking you for everything you have done for me and our family. You are truly a great friend and sister to me.

I wish you a fantastic birthday and many more years to come!
Happy birthday to an extraordinary friend of mine! You’re a constant source of happiness in my life and I’m very grateful for you!
You’re a lucky guy to have such
a smart, funny, and beautiful gal
pal like me!

I’m a gift that keeps on giving!

Have an awesome birthday
today, my friend!
Happy birthday, teacher!

On your special day today, I just
want to thank you for everything
you have done for me!
Isn’t it funny how it’s impossible for me to
forget your birthday, yet totally possible
for me to forget to get you a gift!

I have no excuses but really, who needs
fancy prezzies when we have each other!

I don’t want to speak for you, but a twin
sister like you is the best gift life could’ve
given me! Happy birthday to us!
Forty and fabulous!
You’re still rocking it, girl!

Wishing you a very happy
40th birthday today!