Happy Birthday Wisher

Today you turn 18, so, congratulations on becoming an adult! Always remember to be yourself, you have so much to offer to this world and the world needs someone like you.

I wish you all the best on your special day!
My wishes for you today
Are what every mother
Wishes for her son:
A life full of happiness
And endless, blissful joy.

Happy birthday from mom, son.
Happy birthday to my someone special! You are my everything and the love of my life. I love you to the moon and back today, tomorrow, and always.
Your life is about to get a whole
lot more fun now that you have
me as your new friend!

Happy birthday!
Today’s your birthday!
Have a great one, buddy!

I hope your day is filled
with happiness and
incredible moments!
Happy birthday to you today, my friend.

We may not have been in each other’s
lives that long, but I already feel like
I’ve known you my whole life!
Today, I’m wishing a fabulous birthday to the lady in charge! Happy birthday!

On your special day, I just want you to know that I hold nothing but the utmost respect for you! You truly are amazing at what you do!
Daughter, today you turn 21 and I couldn’t be prouder of the wonderful woman you’ve become. Happy 21st birthday from dad.
Your 13th birthday is just the start
of a beautiful and exciting road
ahead, my dear!

I hope you enjoy each and every
one of your teenage years that follow!

Wishing you all the happiness in the
world, now and always, my dear!
Happy birthday to my favourite old lady!

There are so many reasons to love and admire you, but one of the most notable things has to be that even though you’re getting on a bit now, you refuse to let age define you!

You’re young at heart and I hope you continue that way for many more years!
Happy birthday, good-looking!
Another year older and you’re
still as handsome as ever!

May your striking looks last
for many more years yet!
Happy birthday to a beautiful
baby boy and the beautiful
parents who created him!
Happy birthday to a man after my
own heart: my dear twin brother!

We’ve been through everything
together and I couldn’t have wished
for anyone better to have experienced
it all with. Not only are you my twin
and my brother, but you’re also my
very best friend in the world.

I’m sending you my best today, bro.
Getting older agrees with you as you’ve never looked more radiant than you do now. May that continue for many years to come. Happy birthday to you.
Today, my dear daughter, you turn 21 years of age, and I want you to know exactly how much you mean to me.

From a mother’s perspective, you are the most perfect daughter in every way imaginable. Every moment spent with you and every memory made is precious to me. You truly make me blessed to be your mother.

I’m wishing you the happiest birthday possible as you celebrate this very special milestone that is your 21st birthday.
Happy birthday to my BF: my boyfriend
and my best friend!

I am so lucky to have found a boy like you,
who provides me with endless happiness
and makes all my dreams come true.
You truly are a lover like no other.
Happy birthday to the most magnificent guy.

I can’t imagine there’s a better, kinder, or more caring boyfriend out there than you who can touch someone’s heart in the same way that you’ve touched mine. You truly are one-of-a-kind, my love.

I’m sending you lots of kisses and sweet wishes on your special day today.
Happy birthday, my man! Seeing as I’m the best friend around, I’ll hold back on the jokes about how old you’re getting on your birthday this year!
Happy 18th birthday to you,
my lovely niece!

Being able to share this very
special day of yours with you
truly is a blessing, my dear.
Today isn’t just any ordinary day
for a super special and cute girl
is celebrating her birthday: you!

Happy birthday to you, sweetie!
My loving wife, 

Another birthday for you
Means another year of us
One more year spent together
Filled with an abundance of love
And never-ending happiness.
Here’s to many more years of
Creating wonderful memories
And enjoying all of life’s most
Precious moments together.

Happy birthday from your ever-
Adoring husband. Love you forever.
I’m purposely sending your birthday wishes late to make your celebrations last a little longer! I hope your birthday was wonderful!
Happy birthday to a lady who knows
when to be serious, but also when 
to have fun and enjoy herself! 
Have a great day, madam!
Happy birthday, dear friend. Your birthday comes around but once a year, so may this one be extra special for you.
I’m sending 12 wonderful wishes
On your big birthday this year
For an awesome kid like you
Who is so sweet and dear!