Happy Birthday Wisher

Happy 1st birthday to the most precious part of my life: my beautiful baby boy! I hope you can sense just how much love daddy has for you!
I’ve been nurturing you since you were young and I don’t see that ever changing even as you get older!

It’s a mother's prerogative! Love you, my dear daughter!
Happy birthday to a friend of mine
who has simply been around forever!

I hope to have you in my life for many
more years to come, too.
These touching birthday wishes
Are sincere and from my heart
To tell you that you have been
A true best friend from the start
Ever since the time we first met
I knew we’d be best friends for life
As there simply isn’t anyone else
Who gets me the way that you do.

Happy birthday to you today, bestie.
I hope your special day is as special
And as meaningful as you are to me.
For an elder sister like you
And for everything you do
I’m wishing you a great birthday
And a wonderful year ahead too. 
May it be full of surprises
And many special moments
May it warm your kind heart
Just as you’ve warmed mine.

Happy birthday, sis.
Not one nor two, not three but four! That’s how many years you are today, little one!

Happy 4th birthday to you!
Happy birthday to my wonderful wife: 
my one and only, the love of my life!

I could never forget your birthday, 
my love. After all, it wouldn’t be 
worth the repercussions! 
Near or far
Regardless of where we are
I will love you unconditionally
For always, my dear.

Happy anniversary to us!
As you prepare to finish college, I’m sending my best wishes to you as you embark on the next chapter of your life. Happiest of birthdays to you.
I certainly am a very lucky niece to have such a special aunty like you in my life. Forever grateful for you, aunty. Happy birthday.
Today is a celebration of the life that
God has given you, and I for one am
so grateful for all of the joy you bring
to my life.

May the good Lord bless you always.
Happy birthday.
Happy birthday to you today!

You may have had many girlfriends in the past, but none of them could ever be as good of a friend as I am! I hope you know that I’ll always be here for you, pal!
Each day I count my blessings for having such a wonderful son. I truly am the luckiest parent around!

Happy birthday to my brilliant boy today!
Dad, I have only one very special wish for you on your birthday this year, and that is for your day to be as heart warming as you make each and every day for me. You truly are a unique and incredibly special person.
A best friend like you
Is worth not one, but two.
A best friend like you
There are very few.
I hope that we will be
Best buds until we’re old
As to me you are worth
Your own weight in gold.

Simply put, you’re the best
Friend I could wish for
One of whom I could 
Never be apart
And I truly mean that
From the bottom of my heart.

Happy birthday to you.
You were always my little helper. Whatever I did, you were always right there behind me, trying to mimic my every move, going to get whatever I needed and always asking questions. You were so cute, always walking around with a lady like demeanour. You always reached for the impossible and never gave up.

Now you're all grown up, but these qualities remain.

Have a wonderful birthday, my sweet niece!
Happy birthday to a great friend - one of my oldest! Wishing you a joyous day!
Today’s no ordinary day because it’s
your birthday, bestie!

Since there’s no gift better than a friend
like me, I wanted to give you something
more personal that was both touching
and heartfelt.

I thought about baking you a cake, but
I think we both know how that would
turn out! So these birthday wishes will
have to do instead, my friend.

Happy birthday to you!
The best gift in life that anybody could receive is a truly amazing friend just like you, my dear! Wishing you the happiest birthday today!
Happy birthday to the best
brother-in-law ever!

I have always wanted to tell
you that being a part of the
same family as you truly is a
massive honour, one of which
I am very proud of.

I hope we will always be
relatives and great friends, too!

All the very best to you today
on your special day, bro!
Happy birthday to you, my dear pal!

I am so thankful for you as you’re such
a strong male figure in my life, much
more like a brother to me in fact!

I hope that your special day today is
full of pure wonderfulness!
Happy birthday to my favourite person in the world; my beautiful sweetheart and the most perfect girlfriend there is!
You were an exceptional student and I hope you also excel in this new chapter of your life. Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to a very special best friend! Thank you for being my number 1 girl, bestie. A better friend than you simply doesn’t exist.
Today, I have only the happiest and most respectful birthday wishes for a great man who is a true inspiration to me.

May your special day this year bring you everything you want and more, as you truly deserve the best to come your way.