Happy Birthday Wisher

A girl so beautiful deserves 
Only the most beautiful wishes
Filled with big, warm hugs
And lots of birthday kisses!

I’m hoping that your special day
Brings joy and happiness your way
And that your birthday cake may be
As sweet as you are to me!

Happy birthday to you, sweet girl!
Today I wish to celebrate one of the strongest women I know, my daughter-in-law!

You are a great wife and a great mother. Everyone around you just loves and admires you.

I hope you have many more happy days to come!
Having a sister like you is one
of my greatest blessings in life.
I’m sending my very best birthday
wishes your way on your special
day today.
Don’t listen to anyone who tells you that
you’re getting old; they’re clearly not true
friends like I am!

In my eyes, you’ll always be as young as
you feel. So, until you start acting your
actual age you’ll be forever young!

Happy birthday, buddy!
Happy birthday, sis.

Thank you so much for being my guiding light, illuminating the path for me, and making mistakes first so that I don’t have to!

Sometimes I wonder if you take a wrong turn on purpose just to show me what not to do!
Wishing a very happy birthday
to a special little man!

I hope that your day this year is
filled with fun and that your party
is amazing, surrounded by your
closest friends!

Enjoy every second of it and enjoy
being the centre of attention today!

Have an awesome time, dude!
You might be out of sight on your birthday this year, but you're certainly not out of mind as you couldn’t be any closer to my heart, my dear.

I hope your birthday is still as wonderful as can be, given that you're not able to spend it with me.
I miss you more the farther apart
we are. I can’t wait until the day I’ll
see your beautiful face in person again.

I hope you’re still able to enjoy
your birthday without me there today.
I promise we’ll have our own celebration
when we’re together again.
Happy birthday to my favourite twin brothers! Wishing you the best for the year ahead and I hope you guys enjoy your special day today!
It’s your 30th birthday and that calls for some seriously extravagant celebrations!

So, on the evening of your very special day, we will be doing just that! Put on your party outfit and let’s go celebrate!

Congrats and cheers, my dear!
It’s your birthday today which means
all of the focus and attention is on you.

So just like any other ordinary day, really!
Happy 19th!
From one very loving auntie to her sweet and precious niece, I’m wishing a heart touching birthday just as you’ve touched my heart!
Happy birthday to my absolute favourite
person in the world, my dear grandson!
You are the kindest, sweetest little man
in the universe and I couldn’t be any
more thrilled about telling people that
you’re my grandson.
I’m so proud to be your grandparent,
even if it does make me feel old! You
are the spitting image of your parents,
which is only a good thing as I’m very
proud of them too!
On your special day this year, I wish
for all of your dreams to come true.
And forever more, I wish for you to
always find happiness in everything
that you do.
Happy birthday, girl!

In another lifetime we must’ve been sisters, as we are true soul sisters and our eternal bond is so strong!
Congratulations to a prize student! You simply are a lovely kid and a genuine pleasure to teach!

I hope you enjoy your special day today!
I may be late in wishing you a happy birthday this year, but I’m the first to greet you for your next. Happy birthday!
My birthday wishes for you this year
Are extra special, heartfelt, and sincere
As to me, you are simply somebody 
Who is so very extraordinary and dear.

Happy birthday to you from
The very bottom of my heart.

May your special day warm
Your soul in the same way that 
You’ve always warmed mine.
My sweet girl, I have only the most heartwarming birthday wishes for a darling daughter like you. Year upon year, you keep touching my heart. I’m truly very blessed to be your father.

Happy birthday with love from dad.
I’m wishing you a very happy
birthday today, my man!

As always, I hope only wonderful
things bless your life and continue
to fill you with happiness and joy!

May your greatest desires become
a reality for you this year!
Happy birthday, little one!

You are the most gorgeous, greatest gift to the world and I promise to always treasure you like the precious blessing that you are!

May you have a fabulous birthday and a joyous year ahead, my sweetheart!
My sweet nephew turns 2 today!

Here’s to another year full of love,
joy, and happy memories waiting
to be made!
10 years old today! I hope you have the most magnificent birthday in the history of birthdays, my dear!
Today you turn 5-years-old, little one!

Over the past 5 years, you have grown more and more adorable and I hope you continue getting cuter and more charming as the years go on!

Wishing you a fun and delightful birthday today, my dear!
On your special day this year, the only thing you need to know is that you have my heart, now and always. You mean the world to me and more, you simply are the one I adore.

I’m wishing you the happiest birthday possible, my sweet boyfriend.
As I can’t celebrate your special day with you this year, I’ll just have to get you an extra big present to make up for it! Happy birthday, sis!