Happy Birthday Wisher

A super cool teenager deserves an equally
cool birthday! Happy birthday to you!

Let’s make sure your birthday party rocks!

That means lots of food, the biggest cake,
and the company of all your closest friends
and family! Have an awesome time, dude!
To my wonderful son on your 25th birthday, know that not a single day has passed where I haven’t been grateful for the blessing that you are. Happy birthday!
Today is my birthday and I intend to have
a ton of fun and live it to the fullest!

I can’t wait to celebrate it with my nearest
and dearest, and be showered with lots of
gifts and attention!

Let the good times roll!
The time has finally come where you’re going to feel the need to start lying about your age!

It’s okay, bud, it happens to the best of us!

Happy birthday!
Today is a special day for my daughter as she is celebrating her very first birthday!

It’s also special for me too, as it marks a whole year since my baby entered the world and 12 full months of love and truly incredible memories!
My darling son, I want to wish you a very, very happy birthday today!

I know I tell you all the time, but I am so proud of you and everything that you are. You fill me with pride each and every time I look at you. You really are the best gift life could’ve given me.

Enjoy your day, and enjoy being spoiled rotten with lots and lots of gifts today!
Happy birthday to a coach you can approach! Thank you for always being so friendly, welcoming and easy to train with!
Growing old is, unfortunately, inevitable
and totally unavoidable, but growing up
is completely your choice!

I for one vote that you never grow up
and stay the fun, young at heart, and
good-humored guy that you are!

Happy birthday to you!
On this day, 3 years ago, a wonderful
little girl came into the world and
entered our hearts!

I’m wishing you a happy and playful
third birthday, sweetie, and hoping
that the year ahead is full of wonder
for you!
You are the sister I never had and my closest friend. I wish for all of your dreams to come true. Have a glorious birthday!
I’m wishing a very happy birthday to you today, dearest priest! May the frosting on your cake be as sweet and delightful as your sermons are!
Happy birthday, my dear friend! If it wasn’t for you I’d have lost my mind a long time ago from working here! All the best!
29 years young! Happy birthday to you!

I hope that this year is just as great as all the other years that have preceded it!
Your seventeenth birthday may not seem
like much, but the truth is that each year
of your life is as important as the next!

Happy 17th birthday!
My little boy is getting bigger, for today he turns 5!

Happy 5th birthday, my darling! I love you to the end of the world and back again!
A gentle and kind-natured
lady like you deserves a truly
magnificent birthday today!

You’ve been my guiding light
for such a long time now and
with each passing year, I only
become more grateful for
having you in my life.

I’m wishing you a very happy
birthday today!
On your very special day, I’m sending only the best and most heartfelt wishes your way.

Happy birthday, dear brother.
Your 70th birthday is big news and the perfect excuse for a huge party to celebrate! Here’s to you on this very special and momentous occasion!
Wishing my sweet dad a happy birthday up in heaven today.

Hope you’re sleeping well, dad.
Wishing you a very happy birthday from a familiar faraway land! I hope all is well your end, buddy!
Sure, being one of a kind is great,
but the only thing better than that
is being two of a kind!

If something is as wonderful as we
are, surely it’s better to have double
the greatness!

Happy birthday to us, my dear twin!
On your birthday, I wish that I could give you a gift as great as the one you gave me.

You filled some pretty big boots when you took on the role of being my father, providing me with all the love and care I could possibly need. To me, there is no gift greater than that.

Happy birthday to you, dad.
Today I want to express my
gratitude for all you’ve done,
And simply tell you that
you’re an amazing stepmom.

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to my little boy,
who brings more light into my
life than any other!

A big birthday kiss from your
loving mommy!
Unique wishes for a special friend