Happy Birthday Wisher

We must be related because you have so
much style and sophistication just like me!

If people didn’t know any better or that
we’re cousins, they would definitely think
that we’re sisters!

Happy birthday, my dear! I hope you enjoy
your special day today!
A friendship is like a flower
Blossoming slowly over time
But after being nurtured
The results are quite sublime!

Happy birthday to you today,
My friend!
Happy birthday to the most wonderful friend! Here’s to another year of laughing at each other’s terrible jokes!
No longer are you a carefree twenty-
something now that your big three-
zero has finally arrived!

Those all-nighters will soon be a
thing of the past!

I am sure that you will settle into
your thirties well, and I am wishing
you every happiness in this new
adult phase of your life!

All the very best to you, my dear friend!
Happy birthday, little brother! 

Seeing what an honor it must be 
having a fabulous sister like me, 
I didn’t think it was necessary to 
get you any other gift this year!
Today is your birthday 
It’s all about you 
So no different really
To any other day!

Happy birthday, wife!
I can’t believe that my little girl is turning 21 today! May your future be fabulous and full of endless possibilities, my dear!
To the one I chose to spend my entire life
with, for better or for worse, I’m wishing
a super happy birthday today!
Happy birthday to my bestest!

To me, our bond is as meaningful as
can be as we have created a truly
touching friendship that spans across
many memorable years. It will surely
last for many more years to come, too.

I hope you have the most spectacular
day today, as my best birthday wishes
are reserved only for my best friend!
Today is a particularly important one as it marks your 40th birthday, my dear! A very happy birthday to you!

It’s perfectly natural for people to dread turning 40, but there really isn’t any need in your case, my dear!

Look at it as an opportunity to reflect on all of the amazing accomplishments and experiences you’ve had in your life so far, and think about all of the great things that are yet to come over the many years you still have ahead of you!

I hope you enjoy a day full of incredible celebrations, you wonderful human!
For a moment I thought it was my birthday as I have the greatest, most beautiful gift in the world: you!

Happy birthday, my gorgeous girl. I hope your special day is as wonderful as you deserve it to be.
Happy birthday to my favorite girl in the class. May your birthday this year be sweet and unique to match your fabulous personality and kind heart.
I’ve got a tiny secret to share with you today, which is that I think you’re absolutely gorgeous! You probably already knew that, anyway! Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday, honey.

I’m not going to tease you about your age or joke around on your birthday this year… I mean, the fact that you're turning such a grand age in itself is more than enough for you to deal with!
A friend, a mentor, and a true inspiration.
To me, you always have and always will
be so much more than just a brother.

Happy birthday to you today.
Happy birthday to you today!

You’ve finally made it to 40, and all I can say is that a very special milestone deserves a very special birthday full of celebration!

So, here’s to you and the best 40th birthday bash possible! Cheers!
I know that you’d rather not be
reminded about getting older, but
this is the one day of the year
where it simply can’t be avoided!

After today, you can go back to
forgetting about your age just like
all the other things you forget too!

Happy birthday!
I never knew anything was missing
from my life until you came into it,
my dear!

Happy birthday, my beautiful and
smart stepdaughter!
Every moment I spend with you, my dear granddaughter, makes me feel so much younger and more youthful!

Your fun personality and energy brings out the playful side in those around you! Thank you for keeping me young, my dear!

Have the best day and a very happy birthday!
A super cool kid is turning 12 today! I hope your 12th birthday is full of fun and may your cake be as sweet as you are, my dear!
Happy birthday to someone who has bean such an important figure in my life. I cannot espresso how much you mean to me, but it’s a latte!
More often than not, stepparents and stepkids don’t seem to gel right away.

The odds were always against us and no one expected us to get along, but we just clicked so naturally from the moment we entered each other’s lives.

I’m so grateful for you and the happiness that you’ve brought to me ever since day one, my amazing stepson! Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to my friend who
does a super job of keeping me
sane in a workplace that tends
to turn most people crazy!

Wishing you all the best today!
You’re never too old to have a
good time - I’m proof of that!
Happy birthday to the best
cousin in the world!

You mean so very much to
me. I followed you around
when we were kids and I
hope to follow in your
footsteps growing up, too!

Have a wonderful birthday
as you so deserve, cousin!