25th Birthday Wishes

69 happy birthday wishes found:

Wishing you all the happiness possible on your 25th birthday!

I hope you have a very special and memorable day!
Happy 25th birthday, my dear friend!

The only things I want for you on this very special birthday of yours is that you are able to find happiness in everything that you do, that you smile and laugh every single day, and that your life is always filled with as many good things as possible.

I wish you only the best, my friend! A very happy 25th birthday to you!
Wishing you the most incredible 25th
birthday in the history of birthdays!

Enjoy your special day, my dear!
Happy 25th birthday and welcome to
the quarter century club, my friend!

A quarter of a century has passed
since you came into this world, and
what a mark you’ve already made on it!

I wish as much success and happiness
for you as you’ve already had over the
past 25 years, for the next 25 and beyond!

Enjoy your special day!
Happy 25th! Such an exciting milestone for you, your mid-twenties are going to be some of the best years of your life!

I hope you have an absolute blast today and over the next few years - enjoy it!

Have a drink for me, my friend! Cheers!
Happy 25th birthday today! This exciting
milestone marks your silver birthday!

You are at that special age where you
still have the world at your feet, but you
are old enough and mature enough,
with ample knowledge and wisdom to
take on the world!

I know with certainty that this will be 
a great year for you, and that you’ll
reach gold, my dear!
Happy 25th birthday, my dear friend!

You only turn 25 once, so I hope you
treasure your special day!
Happy 25th birthday, my dear!

I hope that you treasure this
very special birthday of yours!

Halfway to 50, a quarter of the
way to 100, this first quarter
milestone marks the first of a
few more yet to come!

Wishing you all the happiness
in the world today!
Today marks the beginning of the rest of your life, for it is today that you turn 25!

Happy 25th birthday my dear friend!
Happy 25th birthday, my dear friend!

I know that this point in your life can be overwhelming, filled with uncertainty and important decisions to make, whilst wondering what direction to take.

But don't have a quarter-life crisis! Take a deep breath, put things in perspective and look at how much you’ve already achieved in your short life so far!

In your brief adult life, you’ve conquered so much and I truly believe that it serves as a benchmark for your future!

Enjoy your special day and relax for a bit! You have your whole life ahead of you!
Happy 25th birthday today!

You’re a proper adult now and look
at how much you have already
achieved in your young years!

I have absolutely no doubt that the
rest of your adult years are going to
be incredible for you, with much
success and accomplishments that
you’ll be proud of!

Have a fantastic birthday, and
remember to take time to celebrate
and look back on all of the great
things that you’ve done so far!
Growing up by your 25th
Is nothing but a myth!

You still have many 
Young years yet to live!

Happy birthday!
It’s likely that many people will tell
you that life begins at forty, but really
it makes much more sense to tell
you that life begins at 25!

This is the stage in life where
you’ve truly just become an adult,
with everything now at your disposal
and the world still at your feet!

You have so many exciting new options
available to you and the opportunities
are endless, my friend!

Enjoy your special day and wishing
you all the best for your future!

A very happy 25th birthday to you!
Congratulations! Today you turn not 25
years old, but 25 years young!

You may feel like you’re getting pretty old
now, but the truth is you are still young
enough to enjoy all the youthful things
life has to offer!

Enjoy your last few years of being young
and make the most of them, my friend!

A very happy 25th birthday to you!
Happy 25th birthday!

Turning 25 only comes around once
in your lifetime, so make sure you
celebrate to the fullest today!

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