Happy Birthday Wisher

To you, my beautiful and loving daughter, I wish a wonderful birthday! May your life always be happy and full of nice surprises.

In me, you’ll always find the truest of loves and all the comfort and care you’ll ever need. All I want is for you to find happiness, no matter what. So never stop searching, never stop fighting for what you believe in and always follow your dreams.

I’ll be here to celebrate your victories and I’ll also be here to pick you up when you’re down. Love you more than life itself!
A very happy birthday to you today, my dear friend! Having such an amazing person like you in my life is nothing short of a blessing!

I hope that today is but the first of many marvellous days to follow this year! 
Happy birthday.

My birthday wish for you is that you
achieve that college degree you’ve
been working towards so tirelessly.

That’s the best gift you could hope
for this year.
You’re an aunt, mother, and friend all
rolled into one! You’re one in a trillion,
godmother! Happy birthday to you today!
Happy birthday! Your vision and enthusiasm are what drives us each and every day! You never lose momentum and it’s truly very inspiring to witness.

I wish you a great career ahead and many more successful years in this company!
Happy birthday to my main man!

You might be getting super old, but don’t worry as you can always count on me to keep you feeling younger! You’re lucky to have a best friend like me!

Best wishes to you, buddy!
On your birthday today, coach, I just wanted to thank you for giving me the strength to fight for my goals and for never letting me quit. Happy birthday!
The best day of the year has come around again! That’s right, it’s my birthday today!

I’m looking forward to celebrating my special day with as many of you wonderful people as possible!

I know that a lot of you have high expectations for today, so I hope I don’t disappoint with what I have planned!

See you all later!
Happy birthday, dear godfather.

Your birthday is the perfect time
To recognize everything that you do
So from the bottom of my heart to yours
A great big thank you, from me to you.
Happy birthday, my love!

Nothing in this world is sweeter than you, not even the sweetest cake consisting mainly of frosting.

You are a sweet treat that delights each and every day, one of which I’m very lucky to have in my life.
Listen to your heart and stick to what
you believe in. Your beautiful soul will
always guide you right, my sweetheart.

Happy birthday to you!
There isn’t any other sister quite like you.

You truly are such a special person and
I’m very blessed to have you in my life!

Happy birthday to you today!
Happy birthday to a wonderful man!

However you choose to spend your special day this year, I hope that it’s filled with lots of love, lots of laughter, and many magical moments that leave you with everlasting memories of your day!
Happy first birthday ever, little man!

You may not remember this special
day, baby boy, but I can assure you
that I will cherish your first birthday
in my heart forever!

Sending lots of cuddles and kisses
to you today, sweetheart!
You’re ten today! Happy birthday!

Wishing you a year filled with joy and a lifetime of happiness, my dear!
Happy birthday, dear daughter-in-law! On this day we are supposed to shower you with gifts, but we must say that you are the best gift ever.

You are brave, kind, honest and truthful. You fill our hearts with joy and tenderness. We are as proud of you as if you were our own daughter.

When you came into our family, you became one of us. But little did we know you would change things for the better.

You are an essential part of this family and we are very happy to have you on board!

May the Lord bless you on your every step!
Happy 80th birthday to my ever-glamorous and always elegant mom!

80 years old and you’re still the most fabulous lady I know! I’m so blessed to be your daughter!
Happy birthday to a fellow nurse!

You make each and every shift a pleasure to work, even under the most challenging of circumstances!
Happy birthday!

You have already achieved so much at
such a young age and I cannot wait to
see what incredible opportunities and
experiences come your way in the future! 
Wishing a happy birthday to an ex who
is better than the rest!

It’s not unusual to lose contact with
your ex, which is the case with most of
my other exes, but I am so glad that
we’ve kept in touch!

You were a very big part of my life and
I’ll always be grateful to you for that.

I hope that your special day this year
brings you much happiness!
First my own child then along came you,
who'd have thought I could be so
beautifully blessed twice!

Happy birthday, my dear granddaughter!
Happy birthday! I’m wishing you
the most wonderful of days today.

Never have I met a man as kind,
caring, or as accepting as you.

You welcomed me into your family
so warmly and with open arms, and
I’ll always be grateful to you for that.
Friends as precious as you are
few and far between, my dear!

I’m wishing you an absolutely
wonderful birthday today as
you celebrate another glorious
year of your life!
Another year spent by your side is
another year to be grateful. I am so
blessed to be celebrating you, my one
and only, on your special day today.

Happy birthday, my love.
I’ll always be grateful to have had you
in my life, as it’s better to have loved
and lost than never to have loved at all.

Happy birthday to you.