Happy Birthday Wisher

Many congratulations to the
birthday boy who turns 8 today!

May you have a fun-filled day
and the most awesome party ever!
When I think about how long we’ve
been best friends for it just makes
me realize how old we are!

At least today is your birthday,
so you’re the one getting another
year older and not me!

Happy birthday to you!
Today is the birthday of a great man who’s very dear to my heart, someone I’m truly blessed to have as a role model. Many happy returns, dearest godfather.
It’s far from ideal
It’s a little unfair
That on your special day
I cannot be there.

Instead, I’m sending you 
All my love, kisses, 
Hugs, and birthday wishes.
Happy birthday to the most gorgeous man, soon to be my husband!

Have a fabulous day, my lovely fiancé!
On your birthday
I simply want to say
I hope you have the
Most wonderful day!

Happy birthday!
Many happy returns to the best
teacher ever!

The accomplishments you’ve
achieved throughout your career
are truly marvelous, sir.

You should be very proud of them,
just as I’m very proud to say that I
have a teacher like you.
My best friend might be miles away, but that doesn’t make today any less important as it’s still your special day! Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to my fantastic father!

Every son has that one truly special man that they look up to and admire the most, and I couldn’t say with more pride that you are that person to me, dad.

I am so lucky to have the world’s best mentor and most supportive parent.
Happy birthday, papa! I hope your special day today warms your heart as much as you’ve warmed mine over the years!
I’m truly blessed to have such a kind and compassionate manager such as yourself!

Wishing you all the very best on your birthday today!
I am lucky enough to have a husband that many can only dream of. You have a truly beautiful soul, and I am so incredibly grateful for you and the love that your giant heart has to give.

Happy birthday, my love.
You’re not 80 years old, you’re merely 80 years young! May that be true for the duration of your eighties! Wishing you a fabulous 80th birthday today!
I couldn’t be more thankful and touched than I am by all of the birthday wishes I’ve received today.

A big heartfelt thank you to you all!
It didn’t take long
For me to discover
That you are a niece
Unlike any other.
You’re sweet, caring,
And so very kind,
Nieces like you
Are so rare to find!

I’m wishing you the 
Happiest birthday
Possible today, sweetie!
With age, you only become
even more fabulous!

May you continue to do so
for many more years to come!

Happy birthday to you!
Thankyou to everyone who took a little time out of their day to brighten mine with their sweet wishes and kind messages. I simply can’t show my appreciation enough!
On your special day this year, I just wanted to tell you that to me you're perfect and always have been.

All my love to you today! 
Wishing one of my very closest a fantastic birthday today! You’re a truly wonderful friend and I am so lucky to have you in my life. I hope your special day is filled with big laughs and joyous moments, my friend!
Many happy returns!

Your special day is the perfect opportunity to let you know just how incredibly valued and appreciated all your hard work is. We’re lucky to have you!
Happy birthday, my lovely wife!

May your birthday blossom as beautifully as our love, and may your special day warm your heart just as you’ve warmed mine.
If you haven’t already
Wished me a happy birthday
It’s not too late to do so!

You simply don’t know
How much it’d mean to me!
Today is your birthday, but I’m
the lucky one to have a brother
from another mother in you.

Enjoy your special day, man.
Happy 50th birthday to you!

Half a century might seem like a lot, and
that’s because it is!

It’s not all bad, though. You’ve experienced
lots of things most could only wish to and
with that comes a wealth of wisdom.
Being away from you is hard at the
best of times, but even more so on
a special occasion like today.

Happy birthday. I’m sending you all
my love, sweetheart.