Happy Birthday Wisher

Although I can’t be with you on your
special day, you can be sure that I’m
thinking of you anyway!

Sending you big, bright, and brilliant
birthday wishes today!
The day you came into my life you changed it for the better. I’m so grateful to have such a wonderful and special person like you around! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday, my man!

On your special day, I wanted to remind you of all your wonderful attributes, but there are simply too many to list! The main one, though, has to be that you are a really great friend!

Have a cracking birthday today!
May the Lord’s love surround you today as you celebrate yet another glorious year of life. You are a blessing to the world, so let us celebrate you and everything that you are today.

I’m praying that you have a truly joyous birthday today, my dear.
You may not have been
Here from the start
But you’ve secured a place
Firmly in my heart.

Wishing my dear stepmom
An incredibly happy birthday!
Today I’ll be fulfilling my birthday duty
of eating more cake than should be
humanly possible!
If there’s one birthday
I would never miss
It’d be the birthday of
My sweet little sis!

I’d never pass up
The opportunity to
Remind you that I’m
The older and wiser one,
And I always will be!

Happy birthday!
Today, I’m sending big kisses and birthday wishes to my one and only! I couldn’t imagine a better partner to experience all the great wonders life has to offer.
Just like the seven seas, your beauty
spans a vast distance. You are growing
up so wonderfully and your personality
is blossoming so beautifully.

It seems that with each passing year you
just become greater and greater, my dear!

I’m wishing you a very happy 7th
birthday indeed!
Happy birthday to a super adorable
little minx!

Thank you for all of those magical
days filled with endless laughter and
special moments that we’ve been
lucky enough to share together so far!

I hope there’ll be many more to come!
Many happy returns to you on what
is a remarkably special milestone,
my friend. I’m wishing you all the
best on your 70th birthday today.
Thanks a bunch to all who wished
me well on my birthday this year.

It really meant a lot to me 🙏 
Happy birthday to someone truly very special.

I don’t know anyone with a bigger heart than yours. You deserve the world on your special day and every day.
Being far away from someone who
means so much to me and who has
played such an important role in my
life is tough at the best of times, but
even more so on your birthday.

I hope your special day is as special
as you are to me, sis.
Simply by being the fabulous girl that you are, you make each and every day wonderful and special. You’re a true inspiration and light in anyone’s life. Happy birthday, my friend.
Happy birthday to you, little sister!

Your birthday is a truly unique one
As even when all is said and done
You might well be another year older
But you never age or get any wiser!
To have a boy bestie 
Who’s as great as you
Truly is a blessing to have 
As part of my crew!

I’m sending you a big bro hug 
And wishing you the coolest
And most fantastic birthday
Possible today, buddy!
A very happy birthday to you, miss!

You have always motivated and encouraged me to aim high and achieve my goals and for that, I will always be so very grateful to you!

The lessons you have taught me will certainly stay with me for a long time!
Happy first birthday, my precious little star! You’re only 1 today and I can already tell that you’re going to grow up to be something truly spectacular! 

You make mommy proud every day and I love you with all my heart!
Happy birthday, roomie!

You could spend ages and ages thinking about who you’d like to spend your special day with, but I’m sure that even after all the hours you wouldn’t be able to think of anyone better to share it with than the person you share your living space with!

Let’s celebrate your special day together, roomie! Wishing you the very best!
A true friend like you is a rare find. I
hope you know how much I appreciate 
your friendship, girl. Happy birthday.
My dear son,

No matter how old you become
To me, you will always be
My most special one. 
You truly are my pride and joy.

May you have the very best
And happiest birthday today.
Today is your 1st birthday
And as you continue to grow
I hope you’ll always know
Just how loved you are.

Happy birthday, little one.
Some exes leave your life, never to be heard from again! I’m so glad that we’ve kept in touch and stayed friends, though! Happy birthday to you today!
Happy birthday to my brother-in-law
who just so happens to have the
world’s best sister-in-law!

Have an awesome day today, bro!