Happy Birthday Wisher

Happy birthday to my special little girl
who is growing up and blossoming into
a beautiful, wonderful young woman!

You continue to fill me with pride, and I
know for a fact that everyone else is so
proud of the magnificent person you
are becoming!

I’m sending all my love and best wishes to
you on your special day today, my dear!
You are a friend
As dear as can be
A truly special person
You are, to me!

Happy birthday!
I can’t thank you enough for all of the
lessons you’ve given me and the skills
I have gained under your instruction!

Wishing you the fantastic birthday
that you deserve!
Happy birthday to my dear aunty
who is so much more than just that.
I am so lucky to have such a truly
special person in my life.
I’ve heard of many a toddler
Who’ve entered the terrible twos
But you are so adorable and cute
That could never be true of you!
You must be turning terrific two!

Happy 2nd birthday, little one!
For a friend like you who brings so much meaning and emotion to my life, I’m wishing you a birthday that rewards you for brightening my days and for all the good that you put out into the world. You’re a very special person and one I’m so lucky to know, girl. 

May you continue to bless the lives of all those around you for many long years to come. Happy birthday, my friend. 
My dear wife,

Truly great husbands
Are few and far between
Which is why you’re so lucky
That you happened to find me!

Happy birthday with love,
From your love!
On this very special day, I have
only the warmest and most beautiful
birthday greetings for a super cute
and adorable baby girl.

For the pure joy that you bring to
my heart, a special girl like you
deserves not only the happiest
and most wonderful 1st birthday
but joy and happiness should
follow you every day.

Happy 1st birthday, little princess.
Happy birthday from your wonderful son!

You did a super great job of raising me,
dad, even if I may say so myself!
For a very special person
On your very special day
I want you to know that
The love I have for you
Is unlike that of any other.

You’ve always been there
Whenever I’ve needed you
And I’ll always be grateful
To have someone as amazing
As you as my brother.

Happy birthday to you.
People will for sure tell you that you look
beautiful on your birthday today, but I
don’t think that you’re beautiful today; I
think you’re beautiful each and every day!

Happy birthday, gorgeous one! I hope your
day is a truly special one!
Let us begin by forgetting this in-law nonsense and just call you daughter. So, dear daughter, today is your special day, which is why we have chosen this particular day to tell you just how very special you are to us.

Our son has always had a sweet tooth, so no wonder he chose such a sweet girl to share his life with.

You are a spectacular mother to our grandchildren. They follow you around everywhere you go and they truly love and admire you.

You really warm the hearts of everyone around you with your gentle smile and the way in which you care for others.

Please feel all our love on this special day!
If only every little girl
Grew up as beautifully as you
The world would be a much 
More magnificent place too.

Happy birthday, cute girl 💕
My lovely wife, another trip around the sun sees you turn another year older. Luckily you have a supportive husband in me to help you through this tough time!
My sweet baby niece is celebrating her 2nd
birthday today! Happy birthday, sweet girl.

May life have only the most precious
plans in store for you ❤️️
Happy birthday to my lovely mom who simply radiates beauty! I hope I inherit your youthful looks!
Thank you to all my family, friends, and everyone in between for the well-wishes and thoughtful messages you sent my way on my special day. It meant more to me than you’ll ever know ❤️
Happy birthday, mom. I hope you know that today and always, you are the most important person in my life.
Each year that you get older
However much you grow
You’ll still be my little bro
I want you to always know!

Happy birthday to you!
Friendships like ours are super rare and
hard to come by, which is what makes
what we have even more special!

You are my rock and the most supportive
person in my life and for that, I thank you
from the very bottom of my heart!

I’m wishing you a very happy birthday
and hoping that you enjoy your special
day today, my dearest!
I’m wishing a tremendously happy birthday to a teacher whose lectures truly speak to me! Thank you for sharing your infinite words of wisdom!
I like listening to you, I always learn something new. You show such a remarkable insight on life. Many happy returns of the day!
May the good Lord grant you many
wishes on your special day this year.
Here’s to you on completing one more
trip around the sun. God bless you.
For a top student
So superb and swell
I hope these birthday
Wishes find you well!

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to my whole entire world! Our love is true, pure, and strong enough to last eternity!