Happy Birthday Wisher

On your first birthday ever, my sweet little angel, I want you to be able to look back in years to come and know how much mommy loved you from the very beginning.

You are my everything and more, my precious little one.

Happy 1st birthday from mom.
On your 27th birthday today, I am wishing for the same amount of consideration and kindness that you constantly bless everyone else with to be reciprocated!

You deserve to be showered with love every day, but just that little bit more today! Happy birthday!
Many years ago on this day, a truly remarkable guy entered the world!

Although we weren’t introduced immediately, you mean everything to me now! Happy birthday!
I hope you are always able to
find happiness, excitement and
adventure in your life, my boy.

Never allow anything to prevent
you from being happy!

Happy birthday from dad!
You bring nothing but joy
And brightness to my days
You’ve touched my heart
In so many wonderful ways
So for that you deserve
Everything you wish for
A spectacular birthday
And so much more.

Happy birthday, my special one.
Two already and look at how big you’re getting! You’re going to be such a big boy in no time!

Happy 2nd birthday to you, my dear!
When you were introduced to me as my stepbrother I had my doubts at first.

Little did I know then that our relationship would blossom and, in you, I’d find a friend for life.

I’m wishing you a marvellous birthday today, bro!
Happy birthday to my sweet kitten!

It must be wonderful to have a cat’s life! Lazing around all day long, receiving unlimited belly scratches, and getting all the attention you demand. It’s almost like it’s your birthday each and every day!
Happy birthday to my lad who fills my heart with pride! My life changed for the better when you came into the world!
Happy 10th birthday!

Watching you grow up over the past 10 years has truly been a pleasure!

You’re turning into a really outstanding person, my dear! 
Today is no ordinary day; it’s the most special day of the year. For my lover, the one I hold dear, is celebrating another glorious year.

Happy birthday, my love. May all the best things in life come your way.
Birthdays delight but once a year,
but you are a constant delight
each and every day, my dear!

I’m wishing you the most fabulous
7th birthday party today!
Happy birthday!

You are a remarkable person who
so many aspire to one day become.

You truly are a blessing to our society,
and if all our future doctors are half as
incredible as you are, we’ll be in very
good hands.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
This poem is my way of revealing
That I really like you!

Happy birthday, gorgeous!
Happy birthday to a truly precious
human and an incredibly pretty girl
who, in my eyes, is simply perfect.

I hope you know just how very special
you are to me and that you always will
be no matter what, my dear.
Happy birthday to a cheeky little nipper!

Today is your fourth birthday, my sweetheart! I hope you have a day full of fun adventures, lots of cool activities and a ton of joyful and playful moments with your little friends!
I didn’t get you a gift this year,
girlfriend, because I figured
I’m enough of a gift every day!

I guess I’m the kind of gift
that keeps on giving!
I’m so sorry, I thought your
birthday was today!

Oh well, look on the bright side:
it looks like you’re going to be
enjoying two cakes this year
instead of just one!

I’m sending you the best belated
birthday wishes possible, my friend!
Wishing you a very happy 21st birthday,
my friend! 

Now that you’ve turned 21 years old, it’s
really not fair for you to continue being
the designated driver! 

Instead, we’ll give you a break and
someone else can have a turn!

Thank you for your years of service!

Enjoy this special birthday, and the little
bit of freedom that comes with it!
You deserve nothing but the best on your special day. We've been friends for all of our lives, and I'm so grateful for everything we have shared and experienced throughout the years.

I wish you the best birthday ever!
Happy birthday to you today, girl!

As one of my longest-standing
friends, you will forever have a
very special place in my heart!
Happy birthday, my sweet nephew.

Today you turn 2, and I couldn’t
be more proud to be the aunty of
a wonderful baby boy like you.
You truly are a little miracle and
the most beautiful blessing.
Today, I’m sending out the most special birthday wishes to someone super special!

I hope your birthday is a truly great one this year!
Happy birthday to you!

I’m wishing you the loveliest of days today,
with the hope that this year ahead is filled
with many wonderful blessings for you,
each of which truly touches your heart.

You bring so much joy to so many and it’s
only right that the Lord recompenses you
for all that you do, my dear!
Happy birthday to the most endearingly weird, kindest, craziest person I am lucky to call my friend! Wishing you an insane birthday, my dear!