Happy Birthday Wisher

Sure, you might get on my nerves occasionally, but I wouldn’t have it any other way! Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday, my friend!

On your special day this year, I think it’s only right that you deserve an award for putting up with me as your coworker for the duration that you’ve worked here!
That takes strength!

All the very best to you today!
It truly is a wonderful time to be alive, as today you are turning the grand age of 5!

Happy 5th birthday to you, my dear!
Happy birthday to you, my friend! It’s true that now more than ever, you are in the prime of your life!

Enjoy this magnificent birthday of yours and this wonderful chapter in your life! I hope you achieve everything that your heart desires!
Happy birthday to the loveliest, sweetest,
and kindest lady who must be an angel
sent from heaven!

I hope your special day is as truly special
as you are, miss!
Today the birthday
Boy turns eight,
And I hope you have
A fantastic day, mate!

Happy bday, lil’ buddy!
Many happy returns, my friend! My days would be much bleaker without you working by my side, so thank you for making each working day that much better!

Enjoy your birthday, and all the very best!
May this special birthday of yours be the best one yet, my dear brother!

You’re the greatest elder brother I could ever wish for, and I hope your special day brings you all the happiness and success you deserve! Happy birthday, bro!
For me, I couldn’t imagine anyone better to share a home with, and I just want to thank you for being such a fantastic companion and flatmate!

Wishing you all the happiness in the world on your special day today!

Happy birthday to you!
Wow! You’re already two-years-old,
little one! Where does the time go?!

Since you came into our lives you’ve
managed to warm our hearts, put
huge smiles on our faces and speed
up time, apparently!

Who would have thought that such a
tiny human could have such a gigantic
impact on such things!

Wishing you all the love in the world
on your very special second birthday!
Your sweet 16 marks the exciting period
of your life where you’re embarking on
your coming of age, that transition from
child to adult through your teenage years!

It’ll pass you in a flash, so make sure
to stop and enjoy this special time!

Perhaps more importantly, make sure
to enjoy a day filled with great
moments, great music and lots of
laughter, surrounded by your most
loved friends and family!

Happy birthday on your very special
sweet 16th!
Wishing you a very happy birthday today!

I know we don’t have an employee of the month award, but if we did, it goes without saying that you would win it every month!

All the very best, and I hope you have a smashing birthday!
You don’t develop more wrinkles
or fine lines with age, you only
gain more laughter lines!

I really hope that as I age, I too
am just as happy-go-lucky as you!
Your light-hearted attitude is
enchanting, and you truly are a
delight to be around! Nothing
seems to get you down, you are
the definition of an optimist!
Have a very happy birthday,
my dear, and enjoy many more
happy years to come!
It’s no secret that you’re getting older,
sis, but that doesn’t mean we have to
reveal exactly how old that is!

Just remember, the bigger that number
gets the more you owe me for keeping
things quiet!

I’ll always have your back, my dear sister!
Happy birthday!
I must be the most blessed daughter in the world to have ended up with parents like you!

Your love and commitment to each other continue to make me happy and fill my heart with joy.

Happy anniversary and may you enjoy many more joyous years together!
Happy birthday to the best sister in the world! You’ve always meant a lot to me and, in you, I know that I’ll always have a best friend and someone I can count on.

Your birthday is just another excuse for me to show my appreciation for you!
I want to welcome you into adulthood. You're too old to hang out with your parents, but not too old to still let them make your bed! Happy 18th birthday!
My dear brother,

Earth has travelled once more around the sun, which means it’s time to celebrate again.

Many orbits ago I was an only child, but one brilliant day, on this drifting space rock, a new baby was born.

He was blessed with stardust and I was blessed to hold him in my arms. Your eyes were brighter than a thousand supernovas, deeper than the deepest black hole and as powerful as the big bang.

You were a tiny little star, which grew to amass a galaxy of your own. Nevertheless, little brother, you will always be the sun to me.

Have a stellar year!
Happy 11th birthday to the greatest grandson I could ever wish for.

Ever since you entered the world a little over a decade ago, you have been filling my days with joy and warming my heart with love.

I wish the best for you always, my dear, and may each and every one of your hopes and dreams come true for you this year.
Happy birthday to you, dude!

I am so blessed to have a brilliant buddy
like you, which is why I have only the
very best birthday wishes for you today,
my best friend!

I’m wishing you a wonderful day and
an even better year ahead!
To someone who means more to me
than words alone can say, I’m wishing
you the very best birthday today!

Enjoy your special day, dear!
Happy birthday!

I owe a lot to you as I have learned
so much from all of your teachings.

You truly are a wonderful mentor
sent from above!
Happy birthday, big sis!

Sisters are friends for life and
always have each other’s back.
This sort of connection is rare
and, like a snowflake, unique.

All those years, growing up
I’ve always looked up to you.
But, dear sister, my best
kept secret is that I still do.

I’m glad to have you in my life,
now and forever. It warms my
heart to know we have many
more years together.

Have a wonderful day and
many more to come!
My dear daughter, I’ve seen you
grow from a cute child to a beautiful,
blossoming woman. May you continue
to develop into the wonderful woman
you’re already becoming.

Wishing you a very happy 18th
birthday from mom, my sweetheart.
If you keep having birthdays at this rate you’ll be old in no time, buddy! Perhaps we should skip the next one!

Wishing you all the best, my friend!