Happy 2nd Birthday Quotes

137 happy birthday wishes found:

Look who’s turning two years old today!
It’s you, cutie! I hope you have a magical
second birthday!
Sweet baby girl, today you turn 2 years old.

24 months of pure happiness and so
much joy, you have warmed the hearts
of so many in such a short time. I have
no doubt that you’ll continue doing so
for every year to come.

Wishing you a beautiful second birthday.
People say that with your second birthday
comes the start of the terrible twos, but I
don’t believe it to be true with you, cutie!

You must be the exception, surely! You are
so sweet, adorable, and well behaved that I
don’t see how it’s possible for you to throw
a tantrum or get in a strop!

Rather, with your second birthday, I think
that we’ll just see you starting to develop
your wonderful personality, little one!

Wishing you a blissful childhood filled with
happy moments and a very happy birthday
today, tiny tot!
My sweet baby boy, today you turn 2 and I don’t know how I could have any more love for you than I already do! This feeling will likely only grow, though!

I’m wishing you happiness forevermore and joy always. Happy birthday from mom, son. 
This adorable teeny tot is
turning 2 already!

Wishing you a life filled
with happiness and a very
happy birthday today!
2 years old and what a 
beautiful baby girl you are. 
May life bring only happiness 
to you, my precious little star. 
Congratulations to the parents on
completing a second glorious year
of parenthood!

You are doing such a wonderful job,
raising your little bundle of joy the very
best way possible. You certainly set a
high benchmark for all aspiring parents!

Wishing a very happy birthday to your
little one, and sending my love and best
wishes to you all!
Happy birthday to a walking, talking baby girl! You’ve just turned 2 today and already you’re growing up so fast!
Two years old today and look at how much you have grown!

The time has flown by, it seems like only yesterday you were this tiny little thing I could delicately hold in my arms! Now, you’re almost getting too big to lift up!

Wishing you a very happy second birthday and I am hoping that your rate of growth starts to slow down, otherwise you’ll soon be bigger than me!
Twice the candles
Double the fun
Today we celebrate
That you’re no longer one!

On your magical day
I wish you but joy
And evermore 
A lifetime you’ll adore!

Have the happiest
Of birthdays,
My dear little one!
Big kisses!
Here comes the birthday train as today someone special is turning two! Choo choo!

Happy birthday to you!
2 years old and you already mean the world to me. I’m wishing you a lifetime of happiness, for all the wonderful things you will see.
Happy birthday, my sweet nephew.

Today you turn 2, and I couldn’t
be more proud to be the aunty of
a wonderful baby boy like you.
You truly are a little miracle and
the most beautiful blessing.
Happy birthday to a beautiful, happy
child who turns 2 years old today!

I hope that life keeps blessing you
with happiness, little one!

Enjoy your second birthday, and the
many more birthdays to come!

Big hugs and kisses for you today!
Today is a special birthday for a beautiful little princess who is turning 2! I’m sending you twice as much love and wishes as I did for your first birthday!

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