If today was Valentine's Day I’d be asking if you’d be mine, but as it’s your birthday and your special day to receive all the wonderful gifts to your heart’s content, just know that I’m yours.
Dear brother, another year has come and gone, which means that it is the perfect opportunity to look back and reflect on all of your wonderful accomplishments.
May you have a birthday filled with happiness, and here’s to another great year ahead!
My beautiful baby boy is turning 1 already! Thank you for filling each day for the last 12 months with so much joy, love, and memories that I’ll cherish forevermore.
Believe in your dreams but more importantly, believe in yourself. By backing yourself, you’ll go on to achieve everything that your heart desires. Happy birthday, girl.
For your birthday wishes this year I shall keep it short and sweet by simply telling you that you are a truly incredible mother, and a wonderful woman who is unlike any other. I mean that from deep within my heart, mom.
I have to say, I hope you never move house. Not because you’re the greatest neighbor in the world, just that I could quite easily end up with someone even worse than you living next door!
I’m just kidding with you, happy birthday to you today!