Happy Birthday Wisher

My beautiful niece, you truly are my biggest inspiration. You inspire me to be better so that I can be the best version of myself for you.

Happy birthday, sweetie!
Happy birthday to you!

You spend so much of your time taking care of everyone else, that today you must relax for a bit and just take time for you!

If anyone in the world deserves a spectacular birthday today it would be you!
Happy birthday! You took me under your wing from the day I was born and made it your mission to keep me out of harm's way. I love you, sis!
Everything's better when they come in pairs and I think we’re living proof of that! Happy birthday, bro!
The time has come again to celebrate another great year of your wonderful life! Wishing you all the very best for today and the year ahead, my friend!
Happy birthday, cousin!

My life would be so different without
you in it! You have always been around,
for as long as I can remember! 
I’m wishing a very happy birthday 
To my husband who I love dearly
Enjoy every moment of your day
As it comes but once yearly.
Thank you to all for the kindness you showed me with your birthday wishes and lovely messages. I have heaps of appreciation for each and every one of you. 🙏
Happy birthday, my dear ex-roomie!
Your funny and sarcastic sense of
humour will always be missed!
I’m messaging you to wish you a happy birthday today, but also and more importantly to find out where the party is going to be! Drop me a pin to let me know where the party is at later!
For an aunty ji like you
And for everything that you do
I’m wishing the very happiest
Of birthdays to you.

Enjoy your special day, aunty.
Each day there is somebody lucky enough to be celebrating their birthday, and today that person is you! May you have a wonderful 12th birthday!
My dearest son, on your special day,
I have just one thing I'd like to say.
I want to make it plain and clear
that to me, you are so very dear.

Keep making me the proudest
father in the world, my boy. 
Today, on his birthday, I’m remembering the great man that my father was. I wouldn’t be the person I am today without all of your guidance, dad.
The love and friendship that we share stretch farther than the great distance currently between us! I’m wishing you the loveliest birthday possible today!
Turning 50 isn't the end of the world; it's a milestone and a reminder to continue.

Don’t think too much about what you didn’t do. Focus on everything you have achieved and carry on with your great work.

Remember we all love you so much! Have the most amazing of birthdays and many more amazing years to come!
My birthday wishes for you this year may be early, but it doesn’t matter when, where, or how I say it as long as they find their way to you.
Husband, I don’t need a long romantic
birthday message to tell you how
much I love and appreciate you -
I show you that each and every day!

I am sending extra special birthday
wishes your way though, full of love
and adoration ❤️
2 years old
Is how old you are
It’s your special day
My little star.

Happy 2nd birthday,
Beautiful baby boy.
As we count down the final moments
Before a new year of yours arrives
Let’s just take a moment to appreciate
How lucky we are to have you in our lives.
Happy birthday, brother!

I hope you receive everything you’ve been wanting this year, but really what better gift is there than the privilege of being my brother! After all, it is the ultimate gift you could wish for in life!
Happy birthday to the cutest, giggliest,
most adorable 4-year-old I know!

You are simply beautiful inside and
out, and I hope that’s something you
never ever grow out of!
Friends like you come around
but once in a lifetime, which is
why I’ll hold on to you forever
and never let you go!

I hope you have a truly amazing
birthday today, my best friend in
the whole wide world!
Happy birthday to my gorgeous godmother! Your glamour, elegance, and the way in which you carry yourself has been such an inspiration to me! Have a wonderful day today!
A day like any other
Today is anything but
Candles will be lit
And cake shall be cut

We’ll all rejoice together
To celebrate your special day
And do our very utmost
To create the perfect birthday!