Happy Birthday Wisher

I’m sending the happiest birthday
wishes your way today, big bro!

You always have and always will
be the guy I look up to the most.
On your very special day this year, you
should know that to me, you are so dear.

If I were to put into words just how
significant you are, I’d end up writing a
monologue or the biggest book by far.

Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday to you! Most friends only get to see each other every now and then, but I’m fortunate that I get to see you every day.
A mother and father team as wonderful as you deserve a truly magical wedding anniversary! I’m wishing you both many more years of happiness, mom and dad!
Happy birthday, my little sweetheart!

I might not call you by it aloud or tell you often enough that you are, but I want you to know that deep down in my heart you are my daughter.

Wishing you a wonderful birthday with all my love!
It’s my birthday!

If you didn’t already know, you do now!
Happy birthday, my little man! You ought to know that you are a very special nephew to me, and I look at you no differently to if you were one of my own.

I hope that you always look to me as your fun uncle, the fun adult that’ll let you get away with this and that, within reason!

So, if there’s ever anything your parents aren’t sure about letting you do, come to me and I’ll see what I can do!

Have a fantastic birthday, little dude! Enjoy your celebrations today and remember to always be happy in everything that you do!
Age is but a number, so don’t let it define who you are. Just use all the experience you've gathered to your advantage. May you have a fantastic day!
Has it been half a century already? Good-god, time does fly; at least we were having fun. I can’t wait to see all the fun the future has in store for us.

Here’s to another 50 great years!

May you have a fantastic day and many more to come!
Another trip around the sun is almost complete as somebody very special will soon be celebrating their birthday! 
Welcoming your 14th birthday means only one thing: congratulations on officially completing your first year as a teen!

May the remainder of your teenage years be just as amazing as your first year has been!
The best cousin ever
A brother like no other
In you, I share a unique
And super special bond.

I’m sending you the best
Birthday wishes to help you
Celebrate your special day
This year, my dear cousin!
If there’s one thing I have learned from being far away from you, it’s that distance really does make the heart grow fonder.

I miss you, my sweetheart. Happy birthday.
Brother, I have so much to be thankful for
simply due to your presence in my life.

I owe all of my cherished childhood
memories to you, and much of what I
do comes from being inspired by you.

Happy birthday to you today, and thank
you for being the remarkable role model
and incredible sibling that you are.
Who would have thought that my
arch-nemesis growing up would
someday turn out to be one of
my closest and best friends!

Happy birthday, sis! I’m sending
you lots of love as you celebrate
your special day today!
It must be so nice having dentures… You can eat as much cake as you want without having to worry about going to the dentist!

Happy birthday!
I can’t believe you’re only a year away from 30! Perhaps it’s finally time to start growing up, my friend!

I’m just kidding with you! I hope you stay forever young!

All the best to you and I’m wishing you an amazing birthday as always!
May you have a heavenly day today as you celebrate another glorious year on this earth, dear father!

I’m wishing you a very happy birthday!
With each passing year
Our friendship only grows
Stronger and stronger
Through the highs and the lows

My love for you goes
Beyond that of any other friend
To me you’ll always be
That one special friend, my godsend
Happy sweet sixteenth birthday, my dear!

May this special occasion bring you much
love and joy! Spend time with your most
loved ones and I hope that you enjoy only
incredible moments today, making special
memories that you can forever cherish!

Big kisses to you today, my dear!
Aunty, I’m wishing you the most wonderful day today as you turn another year more fabulous! Happy birthday from your favorite nephew!
Dad, your positivity and wonderful outlook on life always have inspired me and continue to do so to this very day. Happy birthday from your number one girl.
You might be another year older,
little brother, but you definitely don’t
look it and you certainly don’t act it!

You’ll be able to fool people with
your age for many years to come,
I’m sure of it!

Happy birthday from your forever
wise elder sister!
I’m sending all the best wishes I could gather from my heart to yours on your special day today, my dear friend. Happy birthday to you.
Happy 60th birthday to you! I hope your eyesight is still good enough that you’re able to read all of your birthday messages today!