Happy Birthday Wisher

As you turn the wonderful and magical age that is sixteen, I’m wishing you all the best for the years ahead. May you have a happy and sweet 16th birthday.
I’m wishing the happiest possible 19th
birthday to you today, my dear!

As you’re well and truly on your journey
into adulthood, always remember to
keep hold of your childhood aspirations,
and never lose that magical spark.

Follow your dreams and have fun
along the way!
On your birthday this year there is just
one thing that I want you to remember:
you'll always be number one in my heart.

You truly are the greatest gift not only
to me, but to the entire world.

Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday!

Someone as outstandingly beautiful as you should have a birthday that’s almost as stunning, too!

I say almost because nothing can come close to your remarkable beauty! 
Many congratulations to you, my dear best friend, as today we are celebrating the very special day that is your birthday!

Anyone would be lucky to have a heart touching friendship like we have, and I just want you to know that I am so thankful for your true friendship!
As you reach a full 12 months and turn
into a gorgeous 1-year-old, I’m wishing
you a happy and healthy life ahead my
beautiful, darling daughter!
Happy birthday to the one person in
the world I could never be without!

You are my best gal pal and sis from
another, and you continuously manage
to make each day brighter than before!

Sending lots of love your way today, girl!
Happy birthday to a teacher whose
bubbly personality shines through
in every class! Your encouragement
and perseverance make any
subject feel achievable, no matter
the level of difficulty.

It’s no wonder why I like your
lessons most of all!
Happy birthday, teacher!

Thank you for making the effort
to ensure that your lessons are
always fun and interesting!

It’s for that reason alone that
you’re my favourite by far!
No ordinary occasion
Celebrations are in order
As today marks the date
That you came into this world.

So let’s prepare a party
For today’s your special day
One like never before
With balloons, music, and cake!

Happy birthday to you and
I’m wishing you the best!
Happy first birthday to a little princess!

A whole year has passed since you were born, and you are becoming even cuter by the day!
It hasn’t been an easy road, but I have finally perfected the art of being fabulous!
Nobody truly knows what the future holds and many things in life are uncertain, but keep going on the path you’re on and I’m sure it’ll lead you to wonderful things.

Wishing you a very happy birthday today, my dear!
Someone very special is turning
40-years-old today!

Many congratulations, my friend! 

Reaching 40 is something to be
proud about and definitely cause
for celebration!

So, let’s open a bottle of champagne
and celebrate this very special
milestone of yours! Cheers!
You have been blessing our lives
for 25 glorious years, my dear!

You light up the lives of everyone
around you with your warm, caring
personality. You’re the life of any
party, without you there it’s just
not the same!

You are loved by so many, simply
because you’re you!

Enjoy your very special day and
look forward to everything that
awaits you in your beautiful future!
Today we celebrate an important milestone of your life: your first 18 years in this world.

From now on you will have a lot more responsibilities and a lot more duties, but I believe in your common sense and I know you will make the right choices.

I hope you spend this day with the people you love and that you have a great day!
To my lovely girlfriend,

May these heart-touching birthday wishes warm your heart and sweeten your soul on your special day this year, my dear!
On their birthday of all days 
Someone as special as you
Truly deserves the world, and 
For all their dreams to come true. 

Happy birthday, special one. 
Happy birthday to my number 1 gal pal!

May your special day be as truly special
as you are to me. Love you, girl!
May your special day this year greet you
with lots of joy, happiness, and a big slice
of cake! Happy birthday to you!
Today, I’m celebrating the anniversary
of my favorite feline friend! May you
have a purr-fect birthday today, kitten!
An exciting new adventure
Has truly just begun 
For a glamorous girl 
Who is turning 21!

Happy birthday to you!
We might not have been destined for each other romantically as girlfriend and boyfriend, but great friends we will always be!

Happy birthday, dear!
My fondness for you grows at the same
rate that you do so the older you get,
the more adored you become!

Happy birthday, my dear!
In my heart, you belong
By my side, you should always be
But it’s okay as our love is strong,
And you mean the world to me!

Happy birthday, fiancé!