Happy Birthday Wisher

Welcome to the wrong side of 50,
my dear friend!

Now that you’ve passed your 50th
milestone, you’re now also past the
halfway point to 100, my friend!

Don’t fret, though! You still have
many good years ahead of you
before you get anywhere near that!

Enjoy your special day, surrounded
by all of your fabulous friends and
family I hope!
Wishing you the very happiest 30th
birthday, my dear friend! It’s a big
one, your 30th, so make the most
of it and enjoy it to the fullest!

Besides, after today you can sit
back and relax for another 10
years as your 40th birthday will
be your next big milestone!

Have a great time today, and I’m
wishing you all the very best for
the whole of your thirties!
Happy birthday, my perfect man!

Sometimes I think you’re too good to be
true, but then you go and do something
that brings me back down to earth!

I’m just kidding, I really am very lucky to
have ended up with a husband like you!
You’re in my heart 
And in my prayers
You’re the one I can count on
The one who always cares.
You’re constantly on my mind
Even when you’re far away
And more so than ever 
Today on your special day.

Happy birthday, my love.
Happy birthday to you, my love!

Since it’s your birthday today, I’ll let you have the final say for a change! But remember, this very generous offer is only for today so make the most of it and enjoy it while you can!
Happy bday!

Stepbrothers are either just another
extended family member, or they become
a close brother and a great friend.

I’m glad you’re a part of the latter, my man!
You’re not conjoined twins, yet you’ve always been joined at the hip!

For as long as I’ve known you two boys you have been inseparable. You are both so lucky to have each other, and it’s heart touching to see that you know that too!

I’m wishing each of you all the very best today and a very happy birthday!
You are so much more than just a coach to me, you are the person who has nurtured me and made me realize that hard work really does pay off!

Wishing you a wonderful birthday today, my inspirational and motivational mentor!
Happy birthday to someone so highly respected!

Everyone appreciates your commitment and the incredible amount of work that you put into the position you hold!
I was going to buy you a pretty piece of jewellery this year for your birthday to compliment your jaw-dropping beauty, my love, but then I thought how unnecessary it would be when you’re already as pretty as you could be!

Happy birthday, my gorgeous girlfriend!
Wishing the happiest of birthdays to
the nuttiest person I know!

Your personality and quirkiness are
the best things about you, so never
change! I love your crazy ways, bestie!

Have a great day and an even better
year ahead!
Happy birthday to the teen queen! Today is all about you, girl!

I hope you have a day filled with lots of attention and joyous moments, and I’m wishing for all of your hopes and dreams to come true today!

Big kisses!
You have been gracing our lives
for 25 years! That’s more than
9000 glorious days, my friend!

Have a smashing birthday!
Happy birthday, my dear friend!

We’ve been friends for as long as I can remember and we share a truly unique brotherly bond. The only difference between us and actual brothers is that we come from other mothers!

You’re my true bro at heart, though!
Happy birthday to my very best friend since my first day on earth!

You entered the world before me, waiting patiently to be my big brother. You held me in your arms, greeting me with all the love and tenderness your heart could hold, and ever since that day my love and admiration for you have only grown.

You’ll always be the most important person to me.
Wishing you an immense amount of joy as you reach the middle of your twenties, my dear friend!

You have certainly adjusted well to becoming an adult and I hope that the later years of this special decade are just as exciting as your early twenties were!

Many happy returns and I am wishing you the most incredible day today!
It would be impossible for me not to cherish you as much as I do when I have a daughter as precious as you.

The adoration I have for you is greater than that I have for any other. You mean everything to me, my dear, you are my whole entire world.

I hope you have the most wonderful birthday ever today, my darling girl!
Wishing my very special girl a
very special birthday today! 

My dear granddaughter, I hope
that life always rewards you with
beauty and wonder, for you are
a truly remarkable girl! 

Sending lots of love your way
today, even more than usual! 

Just remember that today is your
day and it’s all about you, so have
a fantastic day, my dear!

Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to a totally rad teen!

You’re the coolest kid I know, and so
effortlessly awesome! I hope that you
have a party as cool as you are, and
enjoy hanging out with all your friends!

Have a great one, dude!
Happy birthday to the coolest teen I know!

If I could give you one piece of advice, it
would be to savour these teenage years of
yours, because they’re quite possibly some
of the best years of your life!

This chapter of your life will pass you by
in a flash, so make sure to create great
memories that you can look back on!

Seize every opportunity that you can, take
chances, and don't have regrets!

Sending you my very best wishes for today
and for the future!
You’ve been making me proud and filling me with joy since the day you were born. But this will remain our little secret because if others were to find out how great it is to have a nephew like you, no one would ever want to be a parent and humanity would come to a halt.

I hope you have a fantastic day and a fantastic year to come!
My daughter is making her debut as a woman today as she turns 18! Happy 18th, my dear! It feels like only yesterday you were still a cute little girl!
Happy birthday to my childhood bestie!

Do you know how I know that you’re a
true friend? Well, it’s because you’ve
stuck around and tolerated me for all
these years!

You must have the patience of a saint!

I hope you enjoy your special day today!
Happy birthday to my sister from the same mister! I’m wishing you all the happiness in the world as you celebrate your special day today, sis!
A great big happy birthday to you today from your adoring team!

You are more than just a boss to us; you are a friend, our inspiration, and just a really lovely lady in general! We’re all wishing you a very successful year ahead!