Happy Birthday Wisher

Happy birthday to a truly special
lady and a huge part of my life!

You hold a dear piece of my heart
and you always will, mom!

I hope you have the most fantastic
birthday, just as you deserve!

Kisses from your loving daughter!
Today is your birthday and you turn yet
another year older but don’t you worry
about that as you are, and always will
be, young at heart and just as much
fun as when we were kids!

I’m wishing you the happiest birthday
possible today, my dear!
Happy birthday to my sidekick!

I don’t know what I would do without
you by my side, twin bro! You are a
part of me and without you, I would
simply be incomplete.

Now, let’s celebrate our special day
together with some cake!
A 21st birthday is a very special and significant milestone in anybody’s life, but especially so when it’s the celebration of such a wonderful girl like you!

Many congratulations and a very happy birthday to you!

I hope that all of your hopes and aspirations come true for you at this momentous stage of your life.
On this day, many years ago, the love of my life was born. No one knew it then, but it was written in the stars that one day we would find each other in this world and never leave each other again.

It was a bolt from the blue when we met each other, someone up above made us cross paths and the story of our great love began. Everything changed. At that moment, we both knew we had found our better half and life would become better too.

So, my love, I want you to have the most amazing day anyone could have in this world! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to my beautiful daughter who turns 20 today! I’m so thankful that your teenage years are finally over, sweetie!
Happy 21st birthday from mom, my dear.

Today, you truly become a woman, and a wonderful woman at that. I am so blessed to have a grown up daughter like you who makes me an even prouder parent each year.
My beautiful daughter-in-law, I’m wishing
you the happiest of birthdays today.

Ever since you entered our family, you
have continuously blessed us by bringing
nothing but light and love into it.

You are the best possible addition I could
have ever wished for, and I mean that from
the bottom of my heart.

Enjoy your special day, my dear.
You deserve it.
Many congratulations on your little
bundle of joy! Welcome to sleepless
nights and lots of diaper changes!
A cousin and a brother rolled into one
Your 21st is a birthday to remember, daughter
A person I respect more than any other
Happy birthday to the one who is always
by my side.

Not only are you one of the most important
people to me, but you’re also the very best
person in my life. You truly are my lifeline
and I’m very grateful to have you around.

Sending all my best wishes your way on
your special day today.
A toast to you
We were all so truly blessed the
day you were born and today we
celebrate that special event!

Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to my darling

My dear, you are such an integral
part of my life and of this family!

You are the daughter I never had.
Without your beauty and positivity,
this family would be so much duller.

Enjoy your very special day, because
you are such a special person and
deserve but the best life has to offer!
May beautiful things come your way, sister
Big brother, on your magical day, all I want to say is that you are my best friend and mentor. Have a spectacular birthday!
Today I am wishing the very best
birthday to one of my longest-
standing childhood friends! You
have been in my life almost since
day 1 and we’ve been through a
lot together!

We may have had lapses in contact
over the years but I am so glad that
we never lost it altogether.

Even if years pass, we have a strong,
solid foundation that goes way back
and we always manage to pick up
where we left off.

I hope you have an amazing birthday
and a great year ahead, my dear friend!
I don’t need to write a long, romantic birthday message to tell you what a special boyfriend you are to me. I can tell you that in just three words: I love you.

Happy birthday, my gorgeous man.
My beautiful little niece is turning 1 today!

May many happy, healthy, and wonderful years bless your life as you continue to grow, cute girl!

Happy 1st birthday!
I’m sending lots of love your way today, my dear godmother! I hope your special day is truly fabulous, just like you are!
I’m blessed to have you as a son
The more mature you get, the more
magnificent you become.

We all know that age is just a number
but in your case, it is so much more
than that. It represents all the years
before you that have accumulated
to create the wonderful woman that
you are today.

You truly are an inspiration and a
masterpiece; the most spectacular
senior, mam. I’m wishing the very
happiest birthday to you today.
As you celebrate another birthday today, I want you to know that I’ll always be right here by your side for every birthday to come. Happy birthday, my forever friend.