Happy Birthday Wisher

Because you are such 
a special person to me, 
I couldn’t wait to congratulate
you on your birthday to be! 

I hope it’s a great one!
Someone as special as you deserves
a fabulous day full of celebration!

You are the warmest, kindest, most
considerate person there is, and I feel
very blessed to be able to celebrate
this wonderful occasion with you.
Happy birthday to you today.
Today, I’m reserving my most heartfelt birthday wishes for a young girl so great!

No matter your age, big or small, you’re always going to be the very best of all!

Happy birthday to you, my princess!
I thought about trying and having a go at baking your birthday cake myself this year, but I quickly changed my mind because it seemed like a lot of effort!

I hope you like generic store-bought cake!

Happy birthday, buddy!
Happy birthday to you today, sweetie!

As your best friend, I want to remind you that life is about the journey, not the destination. Look at it as a marathon and not a sprint.

So with that said, perhaps it’s time to start slowing down and stop aging so quickly because at this rate you’ll be old before you know it!
I have only the utmost love and admiration for you, my dear big brother! Wishing you the happiest birthday possible today!
My precious baby girl, I hope you dazzle and shine for today it’s birthday time!

Happy 5th birthday, sweetheart!
Many happy returns, dear client!

Thank you for allowing us to serve
you over the past year - it has truly
been our pleasure!
A brother as special as you deserves
an extraordinary birthday to match!

May your special day this year be as
truly spectacular as the person you
are! Happy birthday!
Wishing you a super special 16th birthday today, my dear! May all of your hopes and dreams come true on this extremely momentous year!
Happy birthday to a truly lovely lady!

Day in and day out, it’s so reassuring to know that I have a wonderful boss like you!
Happy birthday to my lovely sister and
thank you to your mom for bringing my
best friend into the world!

I hope you have a wonderful day!
Today, you turn another year older and
become more precious to my heart than
ever before.

It seems that the older you get, the more
wonderful you become. It’s no surprise
that someone as special as you would
only get better with age, though.

I’m wishing the very happiest of birthdays
to you today, my dearest.
Ever since you came to be in your position of leadership things have improved tenfold. I have total faith in you and I would vote for you every time.

Happy birthday to you. I’m wishing you a truly remarkable day today.
You are my love and my life
You are my whole heart. 
You are my lover and my friend, 
And you fill me with emotion.
You are the most beautiful person
With the most beautiful soul.

Happy birthday to you, 
My sweetheart.
Don’t count your life by the number of
years you’ve been on this earth, rather
measure it by the friendships and
unforgettable experiences you’ve
accumulated so far!

Have a very happy birthday and here’s
to many more wonders still to come!
Happy birthday to an epic seven-year-old!

I’m wishing you a birthday full of fun and adventure, which is nothing less than a little hero like you deserves!

I only want to see you happy today, so go and have the absolute best day, kiddo!
Happy birthday, my dear! You are proof that the older you become, the better life becomes too!

I love seeing how happy and how comfortable in your own skin you are! I’ve never seen anybody age so gracefully and I'm sure that it’s due to your lust for life!

Have a fantastic birthday, one of many more to come!
Happy birthday to my best
bud and playground pal!

Have an awesome day!
Many happy returns to you on this blessed day. I am praying that this new age brings only happiness, joy, and good spirits into your life for you truly deserve everything good in this world.

Happy birthday to you.
Simple birthday wishes
For a close friend like you
Are simply not enough,
They just won’t do.

So I’m sending these wishes
That are unique, just for you
With the hope that your day
Sees all your wishes come true.
Happy birthday to you!

There are only a handful of boys as
remarkable and kind, which is why a
friend like you is so rare to find!

I hope you know just how much you
mean to me, and that I consider myself
to be a very lucky girl for having such a
sweet guy friend like you in my life.
I wouldn’t wish just any teacher a happy birthday, but I couldn’t let the birthday of my favorite teacher pass by without a mention! Happy birthday to you!
Girl, each year you become more
beautiful and more fabulous than
ever before! I'm just hoping that's
something that runs in the family!

Happy birthday to you!
Don’t worry about getting older, my friend,
as there’s simply nothing you can do
about it! Just sit back and enjoy the ride!

Happy 40th birthday to you!