Happy Birthday Wisher

Happy birthday to an upstanding leader who I can safely say on everyone’s behalf we all admire and rely upon!
This proud father is wishing his beautiful daughter the happiest birthday possible today! I hope you always continue being perfect, my princess!
Out of all my girlfriends, past and present,
you are definitely in my top 3!

That’s a pretty huge honour considering
how many girlfriends there have been
before you!

Wishing you a very happy birthday today,
my extremely gorgeous girlfriend!
A simple birthday wish 
From your dear mother
I hope that this birthday 
Is like no other!

Happy birthday, son!
We have always been together and forever
we shall be! We are friends for life, little sis!

Happy birthday and may all your wishes
come true!
Waking up to oodles of birthday wishes today immediately put a smile on my face! Thank you all for getting my birthday off to such a great start!
My dear daughter is turning
21 years old today, so let 
The celebrations commence
On this very special day!

Cheers, and may you enjoy 
The biggest slice of cake!
Happy birthday to you, my friend! May this birthday be the very best one of all!
I’m over the moon to hear about your
fabulous news! A new baby really is the
most precious gift known to mankind!

I’m sending you all my best wishes!
Happy birthday to you, my dear aunt!

You are incredibly important to me
and I am so lucky to have somebody
so supportive and loving in my life.
Happy birthday, princess!

I am so proud of you and how far you’ve come in just 7 short years, little one!
Today's your birthday and you’re older than
ever before which can mean only one thing:
I’m sending the coolest birthday wishes to
the most awesome kid around!
Happy birthday to you! I’ll be sad when we finish high school, but I’ll always have your yearbook photo to remind me of the great classmate you were!
Happy birthday to you today, my friend.

I want you to know that you’ve been a
great support system throughout this
academic year, and you’re someone
I’ll want to keep in touch with long
after we’ve finished our senior year.
Near or far, I’ll continue to love you today, tomorrow, and every day that follows.

Happy birthday to you, my dear fiancé!
Happy birthday to the one who made my childhood so bright and fun!

We built a lifelong friendship from an early age, but the truth is that really we have no choice but to remain friends forever because of the stories we both could tell of one another!
From this age forward, having a senior
moment will be much more of a frequent
occurrence! Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to a particularly special pastor! You are a godsend to us, sent from the heavens above to educate and guide us so righteously.

May your birthday this year bring even more light into your life as you continue your sacred journey.
Happy birthday to a genuinely great boss!

I mean, you must be doing something right because look how happy and motivated your team are! Thank you for always going the extra mile to ensure our workplace is an enjoyable one!
Happy birthday to the person I can always count on to laugh at my stupid jokes! I’m so glad that we share the same weird sense of humour, buddy!
Although I may not be your biological parent, I still see you as my own daughter.

I love and care for you as if you were my own, and I would go to the ends of the earth to keep you safe and see you happy.

Wishing you the loveliest birthday with a heart full of love today, my dear!
Happy in between birthday!

Last year was your very special sweet 16th birthday and next year will be your all-important 18th, so that makes this year, your 17th, your in between birthday!

That doesn’t mean it has to be any less fun or significant, though!

Each and every year of your life is as special as the next, as it marks another year that the most wonderful person ever has been on this earth!

Take this year to enjoy a slightly calmer birthday, before your big blowout of a birthday next year!

A very happy 17th birthday to you!
Happy birthday to my fun-loving niece!

My dear, you keep me young! We are like
two peas in a pod; we share the same
sense of humour and the same interests.
Doing all the things we love together keeps
me feeling young!

Thank you for allowing me to relive my
youth with the most hilarious person ever!

Have a fabulous day, my dear niece!
I am glad for sharing so many beautiful moments with two amazing twins. I may not always know which is which and you may have fun tricking me into believing that one is the other, but I know that I adore you both the same.

Happy birthday!
Let us forget this in-law nonsense; you are a brother to me. Thank you for all the support and fun. Happy birthday, bro!