Happy Birthday Wisher

I’m praying that you have a blessed birthday this year, my friend. You are a wonderful person with a truly kind heart, and you deserve all the good in life that comes your way.
As we countdown the final moments before your birthday arrives, I wanted to take a moment to tell you how much you mean to me. Wishing you another fantastic year ahead!
Happy birthday to my lovely mom! When I grow up I want to be just like you: a wonderful, sophisticated, and elegant lady!
Happy birthday, my love.

You’re so kind and funny
Heart touching and sweet
You are without a doubt
The nicest guy I’ll meet.

I am so happy to be your
Girlfriend. You truly fill
My heart with joy.
Your birthday can’t come quickly enough,
which means that your birthday wishes
can’t come early enough, my friend!

I’m counting down the days with
excitement as I’m just so eager to
celebrate your special day with you!

Happy pre-birthday to you!
Happy birthday, my amazing son!

Of course, I want you to enjoy your
special day today, but now that you’re
14 and so grown up perhaps it’s time
we talked about increasing your chores!
You are almost an adult now, after all!

Besides, what better gift is there than
increased responsibility!
Happy birthday, little sis! You keep trying to catch up with me but you never will! I’ll always win when it comes to being older than you!
Happy birthday, my dear brother.

If everyone had a sweet brother like
you their lives would be so much sweeter.
I can say that from experience.

You make everything brighter and so
much more fun. I’m lucky to have you
around, bro.
A bond as strong as ours 
That comes from the heart 
Means that even with great
Distance we’re never apart.

Happy birthday, my dear brother.
Dear sister of mine, I’m hoping that your
special day is a truly wonderful one that
warms your heart and fills you with joy.

My only wish is that I could be there
with you to celebrate. We’ll make up
for it soon, I promise.

In the meantime, I’m wishing you a
happy birthday from here, my dear. 
17 is a great age to be
As you’re in the prime
Of your teenage years!

Take in every moment
Enjoy every minute 
And make many 
Magical memories!

Happy birthday!
The love we share is beautiful and unique, and it couldn’t be more meaningful to me.

Happy birthday, my dearest.
Happy birthday, my sis from another miss!

I’m truly blessed that we’re related, but even if we weren’t cousins we’d still be best friends until the end of time. You really do mean the world to me, my dear.
I have never met anybody with a more
giving or more generous heart than you.
I feel very blessed to know such a
special human being.

I hope your birthday today warms your
heart and charges it with enough love
to see you through the year ahead.
My dear niece,

You’re taller, smarter, and more beautiful
than ever, which must mean only one thing:
you’re turning the fabulous age of 18!

May this brand new chapter of your life
bring you all the joy and happiness that
you are so deserving of, sweetie.
A fabulous uncle like you is worth more than just one, more like two! You have the combined love of a hundred uncles in that big heart of yours!

I hope your special day today is a happy one, just like my childhood which you filled with so many happy memories that I still cherish to this day.

Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday to someone who’s very close to my heart, a sweet young lady I’m blessed to now call a daughter. Enjoy your special day, my dear.
Happy birthday to you, my dear.

You’re growing up so wonderfully and it
fills me with pride to see that you have
almost completed your college education.

I’m wishing you all the best in life for a
very bright future.
Happy birthday!

I know you already think I’m sweet enough,
but don’t forget to save me a slice of cake!

I’ll also be measuring the size of my
piece by how much I mean to you, so
I’m expecting a pretty huge chunk!
It’s incredible how one great mind has the potential of brightening so many others. You are the perfect example of this, mam, as it’s down to you and your teaching methods that so many students flourish.

May you have the most spectacular birthday that you’re so deserving of today.
I didn’t think it was possible since you’re already pretty awesome but with each passing year, you just keep getting better and better!

Happy birthday, my sweet cousin!
You should be a proud papa for the great effort you put into raising me and for all of the sacrifices you made along the way.

You’re a remarkable man and one I will always be proud to call my father.

Happy birthday to you today!
A person as good-hearted 
And as truly kind as you 
Deserves a spectacular day, 
Through and through!

Happy birthday to you!
A birthday of 7 years deserves
a celebration that lasts 7 days!

That’s one whole week of
celebrating you, my dear!

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday, beautiful girl!

May this special day mark the start of the most fabulous year of your life to date!