Happy Birthday Wisher

Growing up together wasn’t always a breeze, but there’s nobody else in the world I’d have chosen as my little bro! Happy birthday, my man!
For all that you do, and all that you are,
I’m sending my most heartfelt birthday
wishes to you today, my dear!

You are a miracle worker, quite literally,
and the kindness and compassion you
show are second to none!

Enjoy your special day, you’ve earned it!
I’m wishing a very happy birthday
to you today, my dear!

You are a joy to the world, bringing
so much light to the lives of so many.
I have no doubt that you’ll continue
to do so for many years to come, too!
Happy birthday from your favourite godchild! I’m wishing you a fabulous day today as we celebrate the wonderful lady that you are!
Happy birthday to a strong female who is an inspiration for women everywhere!

I hope you have a truly marvellous birthday today!
Happy birthday to the person who brings
nothing but happiness into my life.

I’m eternally yours, my sweetheart!
Thanks for having your birthday today, my friend! It’s a welcome break from studying and I can’t wait to celebrate with you!

Besides, I love any excuse for a party, as you well know! Wishing you a great one today and a fab year ahead!
When God created you he accomplished one of his greatest works! Happy birthday to you on this blessed day, my dear!
You’re growing up much too fast, my dear, as today you turn 4! You ought to start slowing down soon or else you’ll be a big kid before we know it!

I’m wishing you the happiest, most fun-filled birthday possible today! 
I know that you’ll be watching over us today, dad, so here’s to you on your birthday! Cheers to the greatest man that ever lived!
Today I am celebrating the birthday of this adorable one!

I am so lucky to have had this dear dog of mine in my life now for so many years and I couldn’t imagine a world without my adorable pooch! You are my everything, little dog of mine!

I’m wishing you a birthday today that makes you as happy as you make me!
Actions generally speak louder than words, and yours just so happen to save lives!

Wishing you the very best birthday, doctor!
Happy birthday to my brother at heart, my main man and dearest cousin!

Wishing you the very best birthday, bro!
Happy birthday to a little guy who is just the most adorable boy!

You are like a tiny adult, so ahead of your years! You keep surprising everyone by saying and doing things that you wouldn’t usually expect from a little boy, and it is so endearing and funny at the same time!

Wishing you a wonderful birthday this year, tiny adult!
Wishing you the sweetest out of all the sweet sixteenth birthdays happening all over the world today!

There are bound to be lots of people celebrating their sixteenth birthday today, but you deserve the very best celebrations as you are such a special person!

Sending you lots of love and happiness on this very significant birthday of yours!
On your birthday this year, principal, not only do I want to wish you a very happy birthday, but I also want to recognise all of your wonderful achievements to date!

You have done such great things for this school and I hope you are able to take a moment to reflect upon them on your special day!

Happy birthday and wishing you the best!
Since the day we said “I do”, my life
has been infinitely better and filled
with happiness!

Happy wedding anniversary, my dear!
Happy birthday to a very highly valued customer!

You have been a part of our family since the early days, and we are so grateful to have had such a loyal client such as yourself join us on this journey so far!

Many thanks, and we look forward to serving you for many more years to come!

All the very best to you!
On your birthday, I wanted to tell you how
amazing and perfect you are, and that I
would never want you to change even one
single thing about yourself.

But then I remembered how annoying you
can be sometimes, so maybe you could
just change that?

Happy birthday, my gorgeous guy!
Happy 21st birthday, my dear friend!

Sending you all of my big birthday love
for this very special birthday of yours!

I hope that the next 21 years of your life
are as enjoyable and as incredible as
the first! Have a great one today!
Happy birthday, sweet kid!

May your life sparkle as brightly and as beautifully as you do in my heart! 💖
On the special day of my one true love,
I’m sending lots of kisses and beautiful
birthday wishes.

Happy birthday with love, hubby.
Today, we celebrate 21 years of you, daughter. Here’s to another 21 years that are just as magnificent as these have been.
Someone like you will always be much
more like a sister to me than simply
just a best friend. I’m so lucky to be
blessed with the best; a bestie so great.

Wishing you a fabulous day, girl.
To those who wished me a happy birthday
Trust me when I say I’m being sincere
All your birthday wishes touched me
And made my day even more dear.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.