Happy Birthday Wisher

Happy sixth birthday, little one!

I’m wishing you many happy moments today, spent with those that love and care about you the most.

You are growing up to be a delight and you are such a credit to your parents. I know that you make them so proud!

Enjoy your 6th birthday, my dear! I hope that it’s magical for you!
I’m sending you forty wishes on your birthday this year! One for each candle on your cake! Have the best day, my friend!
Happy 17th birthday,
my dear!

You’re growing up in a
flash! You’ll be an adult
before we know it!
Wishing the happiest birthday possible
to a very highly respected principal!

Many happy returns to you!
I know that I might not be well
known for being early, but your
birthday is so important to me
that I had to make an exception!

So, I’m wishing you a very happy
birthday in advance, my dear friend!
Happy birthday to a wonderful employee who is far from just another small cog in a large machine!

You are a significant part of this company and an integral member of our team. Your efforts are crucial to our success, and we can’t imagine the workplace without you!

All the very best, and many happy returns on your special day!
How to make the perfect grandmother: take a lot of care, a few ounces of wisdom, a huge slice of love and a whole lot of you. I hope you have a wonderful birthday!
I’ve been storing up these
Wishes deep within my heart, 
And I’m sending them to you early
To get your day off to a great start.

Have a wonderful birthday, my love.
Happy birthday, my soul sister!

Few friends are as close as we are, girl!
In fact, some would say that we’re too
close... but they’re just jealous!
For a son so spectacular,
So great and swell
I’m hoping these heartfelt
Wishes find you well. 

Happy birthday, sweetie.
What a wonderful world that we 
live in to be blessed with a kind, 
sweet soul such as yours 😇

Happy birthday to you, my friend.
After today
I can officially say
I am the proud parent
To the most wonderful
18-year-old girl.

Happy birthday from mom,
My sweet daughter.
A true brother from another 
There are few friends like you
Who I can trust like no other
And always count on, too!

Happy birthday to you!
Wishing a heart touching happy birthday
to a boyfriend who is romantic, sweet,
and oh so cute!

I am so lucky to have a guy like you in
my life and share a love that is simply
like no other. You are someone so special
and unique; a man as spectacular as you
there cannot be another.

Sending you big birthday kisses today.
For someone so special
The most wonderful sis
Yours is a birthday
I would never miss.

Wishing you a heartfelt
Happy birthday, sister.
You’re not just a cousin but a brother too, but don’t be fooled into thinking that means you’ll get two birthday gifts this year! Happy birthday to you, bro!
Happy birthday, brother!

I imagine that looking at me right
now must be like looking into a much
younger and better looking mirror!
I hope your special day this year is a truly great one and that it’s as happy as can be. Many happy returns to you.
You’re already 16 years old
So you know what that means
You’re well on your way
To achieving your dreams!

Happy 16th birthday!
A very sweet and special little
princess is celebrating 7 fab years!

You’ll need an extra deep breath to
blow out all those candles on your
birthday cake today, sweetie!
Many see getting older
As something that is
Annoying and a bore
But to me, I think it’s  
Only a good thing
As I only like you better
Each year more and more!

Happy birthday from your
Favorite younger brother, sis!
Happy birthday to one of the brightest shining stars in this company of ours!

You truly are a Godsend to all of us and we would simply be lost without you! Here’s to you and hopefully many more years here!
Happy birthday to a senior who sends out inspiration each and every day. All the best to you for your final college year!
I’m so lucky to have found a friend in
college as great as you!

I hope you have a super happy birthday
today, I’m sending my best wishes to you!
Happy birthday, my friend! You’re another year closer to becoming a true vintage!