Happy Birthday Wisher

There are lots of things in life that
naturally get better with age, and
you’re one of them!

Much like a fine wine, you just
seem to improve over the years!

Here’s to you and many more
years of becoming more delicious!
Happy birthday!
My love,

I hope you already know this, but on
your birthday I wanted to make sure
you know how much you mean to me.

I appreciate all that you do for us, and
I couldn’t wish for a better partner to go
on this journey and experience life with.
You are my soulmate, truly.

With all my love, now and forever.
Thank you for everything that you do, mom
Happy birthday to the perfect partner
My little angel is celebrating
yet another birthday already!

You are growing up so fast,
my dear niece, my only wish
is that you slow down so that
I can savor and cherish these
glorious years!

Wishing you a beautiful
birthday today!
A single mom with twice the love for her son
Happy 2nd birthday, baby girl
Aunty, your special day has come around once again and I just want you to know how grateful I am for you. I never dreamed that I would be lucky enough to have two fantastic moms in my life. 

Happy birthday aunty, my second mom.
Wishing a very happy 70th birthday to a truly wonderful woman! There are few female friends as special as you are, my dear.
Happy birthday to my
not-so-little girl! 8 today!

I can still remember
holding you in my arms
the day you were born.
It hardly seems real that
was 8 years ago already!

I’m sending all my love
to you today, from mom!
Happy 29th birthday to me!

That’s right, today I begin the final year
of my twenties and the countdown to
my thirties also starts now!

I’m very blessed that I have such a
wonderful bunch of people in my life
to share this exciting chapter with!
I knew you were the one from the very first moment I saw you. Happy birthday, love of my life!
Thank you for remembering my birthday
My little man is not so little anymore!

You’re growing up, buddy, and I am so pleased to see what a gentleman you’re becoming. You obviously take after your old man!

I hope you continue being the lovely person that you are and that you never let anything change that.

Wishing you all the happiness in the world on your special day today!

Happy birthday! 
A crazy friend is the best kind of friend
May your special day be filled with love
Two gorgeous girls with matching birthdays
Today’s your special day! With that, I just wanted to show my appreciation and thank you for being such a wonderful mother figure in my life.

You truly do mean the world to me.

I'm wishing you the loveliest birthday possible today!
Today, we celebrate your first 
birthday without you, dad.

I know not yet if each birthday 
will get easier since the gap 
you have left is still raw. It’s 
simply a testament to the 
great man you were, one 
of whom I will always adore.

Happy birthday in heaven, dad.
Someone truly wonderful and inspiring
Another fabulous year for you, girl
Madam, I wish you a very happy birthday today! Working with you has been a true honour, and I am forever grateful and indebted to you for all of the life lessons and wisdom you have imparted to me!

Be forever happy, and relish in your many successes, madam!
My sis from another miss
May there be no limit to your happiness
Today is a super special day for you’re turning 3 whole years old, my sweet princess! You are the cutest, most adorable 3-year-old ever to have existed!