Happy Birthday Wisher

I may not have the
fanciest gift to give to
you today, but every day
of your life you will have
my full and eternal love.

Happy birthday, dad!
I wish you joy, health and
lots of lovely surprises.
A sweet and lovely birthday
Is what I wish for you
Where all of your hopes
And dreams will come true.
You deserve the world
For the dear girl that you are
I hope you know that
You will always be my star.

Happy birthday, sweetie.
Happy birthday, my dear husband!

You’re not turning another year older, you’re just making me look one year younger!
Happy birthday to you!

You deserve all of the spotlight,
the most beautiful gifts, and all
the happiness in the world on your
12th birthday today, sweet girl.
Happy birthday to a truly great principal.

The lessons I have learned whilst studying at your school have ingrained deep within me and will always remain firmly in my heart.

Thank you for the wonderful work that you do to keep this school running so smoothly.
Happy birthday to a sister so dear
who however far, is always near.

Sending you all my birthday love today.
I know how tough and demanding your senior year can be, so just know that I’m here for you if you need me.

I’m wishing you a wonderful birthday today.
Happy birthday to the heart and soul
of the community.

Your commitment and input are valued
by so many, and you truly are the life of
our community. We are all so lucky to
have you be a part of it.
Today is your very special day!
Happy birthday to you!

I’ve been so looking forward to
this day arriving, you wouldn’t
even believe!

I have a very special birthday
present for you this year, but
you’re going to have to wait
to see it! Anyway, just remember
that the best things in life come
to those who wait!
Happy birthday to you, my dear! With
each passing year, you just seem to
become better than ever before!

With that in mind, on this joyous
occasion that is your birthday, it
feels like the perfect time for me
to show my appreciation for you!

You truly are a blessing in my life
and a pure delight to be around!
Gal pals have a connection unlike any other, so no matter how far apart from each other we are on your special day today or any other day, we will always be bound by the unique bond we share.

Happy birthday to you, girl!
Today is a special day
It’s going to be great
For it is your birthday
And you’re turning eight!

Happy birthday to you!
Being apart from the person I love most in this world on their birthday is far from ideal, but it just means that we’ll have to have double the celebrations next year to make up for it!

Happy birthday, my one and only!
Having a sibling is all about sharing so I'm honored that I get to share my special day with you, twin sis!

Happy birthday to me and to you!
Happy birthday!

I hope your birthday party is filled
with good times and laughter, but
not too much laughter…

We all know how risky that could
be at your age!
Happy birthday to you!

You practice what you preach and set a wonderful example for us all to follow. Thank you for your magnificent direction, dearest priest!
God has a plan for each of us, but yours was always destined to follow an extra special path.

By the grace of God, you were chosen to guide us and that you do wonderfully.

Thank you for all that you do, dearest priest! A very happy birthday to you!
As elder siblings go, you’re alright!

Even though you’re older than me, you’ve never pushed me away or not wanted to hang out with me.

Because of this, I only have the best memories of us growing up together!

Happy birthday and I hope you enjoy your day today!
May your candles burn brightly today and your wishes always lead you to happiness!

Think long and hard about what to wish for today, my dear! Happy birthday!
I’m sending my very best birthday wishes to you in heaven today, granny.

Although you’re no longer with us, it brings me great comfort knowing that you’re up there celebrating with all your loved ones who passed before you. I hope you’re all having a spectacular party in your honour today, just like we are down here.

Miss and love you always, grandma.
I hope your special day today is as cute and adorable as you are! It should warm your heart the same way you warm mine! Have an amazing birthday!
Happy birthday, sweetheart! Year after year you never cease to amaze me with what a lovely person you are becoming.

You always were sweet, even as a young child, but the older you get the more caring and understand you become, it would seem.

You certainly make me a proud father and I hope you never change, my darling!

Wishing you a sweet birthday!
Happy 7th birthday, my dear!

Wishing you a party filled with lots of cake and big balloons!
Today I am celebrating the birthday of my ever-loving canine and best friend!

An exciting long walk and lots of treats are in store for you today, doggo!
As kids, you always took care of me
but now the time is approaching
where I’ll soon be looking after you!

You know, because you’re old!

Happy birthday, elder bro!