Happy Birthday Wisher

A friend who matters
Is a friend who cares
Who is there for you
No matter what

Not everyone is fortunate
To have a friend like this
But luckily I’m blessed
Because I have you!

Happy birthday, my dear!

Thank you for always being
Right by my side!
Happy birthday, my dear cousin!

I may not get to tell you as often as I’d like because we are both always so busy, but you are a very important person to me and I’m very grateful to have you in my life!

You’re not just a cousin, but one of my oldest friends. You’re someone I’ve known my whole life, and I’m very lucky to have grown up with you by my side.

Have an awesome birthday, and a fantastic year ahead!
I hope you keep that beautiful bond throughout all of your lives, my dear twins. I wish you both a wonderful birthday!
Today is the happiest day of all, my birthday! I know this is the day to receive congratulations, but I want to do something different this time.

If this was a wonderful and joyous year, it was only because of the great people around me. So, to my friends, my family and anyone who I might be forgetting, I want to show my heartfelt appreciation for all your love and support.

I want all of you to be as happy as I am on this day. And my happiness will be greater when you shower me with your gifts later.

Let this day be awesome!
Dear child, may you have the greatest of times and enjoy every second of your birthday. Laugh and play surrounded by all of your loved ones, and make a lot of wishes, as I’m wishing for all of them to come true.

You deserve to always be happy, and be loved at all times. You are special and I’m sure that whatever’s waiting for you in life will be great.
Happy birthday to a super incredible 11-year-old!

You’re growing up fast now that you’re 11 already, birthday boy! I hope you continue to grow up as wonderfully as you have done so far, champ!
Many happy returns to you, dad.

Your birthday is the perfect time to
recognise the wonderful man that you
are and all that you do for me.

Happy birthday and thank you from the
very bottom of my heart for everything.
I know that your senior year can be stressful, but try to enjoy your remaining time at college! Happy birthday and all the best for your finals!
Circumstances might not allow us to see each other on your birthday this year, but we’re never truly apart. You’re my sister and I’ll always have you close at heart.
I thought that as you get older you’re meant to get wiser too, sis? Oh well, there’s still plenty of time for that to happen for you yet!

Happy birthday!
Happy birthday, bestie! I know your
special day has already been, but this
way your birthday celebrations can
last that little bit longer!
Happy birthday, cuz! Not only are you a great blessing to our family, but you also mean more to me than you’ll ever know.
I might well be here for the cake but
even if there was none, I would never
dessert you. I’ll always be there for you.

Happy birthday, my friend!
It truly warms my heart to be wishing a happy birthday to the best stepsister ever!

I’m sending you all my love and best wishes, and I hope you have a fabulous birthday today that’s at least as fabulous as you are!
Happy birthday to a truly wonderful and
worldly woman!

Over the years, your life experience just
appears to have made you more elegant
and more sophisticated than ever.

I wish you many more years of becoming
even finer - if that’s even possible!
Happy birthday to the most reliable man in my life: my dear brother.

I am truly blessed to have such a trusty friend and sibling I can always count on.
Happy birthday, uncle!

Remember, you’re only as old as you feel.

From my perspective, you’re just 18 with
a ton of experience!
Today, I have the pleasure of celebrating the wonderful friend that you are as it’s your birthday, my dear! Happy birthday to you! 

You have touched my heart in so many different ways, and I can’t begin to tell you how grateful I am for you.

Here’s to the many years of love, laughter, and happiness that we have shared together and to many more years of a fabulous friendship to come!
Near or far, it makes no difference where you are, my love will always find you as it's true and pure!

I’m wishing you the happiest birthday that you could possibly have today without me being with you, my wonderful husband!
Happy birthday to my one and only!

We’ve already started our story
Creating a life together
An exciting future awaits us
With endless happiness ahead.

You truly mean the world to me
More than words alone can say
I can’t wait to continue this journey
That we’ve embarked on so far!
I’m sending belated birthday wishes
to you along with a sincere apology
this year, my dear friend!

Who wants all of their birthday
wishes on the same day anyway?

It’s much better to spread them out
and receive them gradually so that
you can truly appreciate each
heartfelt message!
Happy birthday to you, father.

You continue to lead your flock towards righteousness and remain a true inspiration to us all. God bless you.
Happy birthday to you today, pastor!

On your special day this year, I just wanted to recognize what an extraordinary influence you’ve had on me and, indeed, many others.

You guide us towards good and save us from being strayed into temptation. You truly are a blessing from above, delivering and spreading the word of God.

Bless you, father!
Happy birthday to that one friend of mine who just gets me! Like twins, our minds and souls appear to be perfectly synced!
Happy birthday, my man!

We have been buddies for such a long time and I consider you to be one of my greatest, closest friends!

So, on your birthday this year, I hope the world gives you everything you have been wishing for and more!

Enjoy your special day, buddy!