Happy Birthday Wisher

Happy birthday to a cheerful and optimistic friend of mine!

Today you make the remarkable age of 40, and I know that you’ll take it in your stride and embrace it. There’s never a dull moment when you’re around, so I’m expecting your 40th to be a big hit!

Many happy returns to you on this special birthday of yours!
Happy birthday to my guiding light in life, the one person I have always been able to turn to in times of doubt. Happy birthday to you, daddy!
We were introduced as classmates but we soon became great friends!

Happy birthday to you today, bestie!
Happy birthday, buddy! You’ve been a friend for as long as I can remember and I can’t imagine not having you in my life!

We’re as close as two friends could be, more like family than mere buddies!

In truth, I actually like you more than I like some people in my own family!

Wishing you the best day, pal!
Happy birthday mommy,
from your little boy!

I hope you have a really
amazing birthday today!

Love you lots!
Happy birthday to a principal who is still going strong!

It is great to see that even years after me leaving your school, you are still shaping young minds and doing a fantastic job of it!

I hope you never retire, principal, for everybody’s sake!

Many happy returns and all the very best to you on your birthday this year!
Happy birthday, kid!

I hope you know that I have always seen
you as my own son, even if on paper you
are my stepson.

You will always be just as special to me as
if you were my birth son.

My only regret is that I haven’t known you
longer since you were born, because
watching you grow up has been one of the
highlights of my life!

Wishing you the happiest birthday yet, son!

I hope you have a day filled with laughter
and joy! Love you lots!
Happy birthday, my friend!

Our friendship was made to
last, and that it has!

I am so grateful to have had
you in my life for so many years;
you’ve been there to support
me through it all, through the
highs and the lows and
everything in between.

Thank you for your true friendship,
old friend! Wishing you but the
best on your special day!
Happy 25th birthday today! You are well and truly an adult now, but I still can’t help looking at you as though you’re still a kid!

I’ve known you your whole life, and I think that you will always be that sweet little kid in my eyes, no matter how old you get!

Enjoy your very special day and congratulations on reaching this very special milestone in your life with all of your achievements so far!
Happy birthday to the
coolest kid in school!

I hope your birthday is
as awesome as you are!
I am so proud of you and I thoroughly enjoy working under such an inspirational and strong person like you, ma’am. Happy birthday!
Like a father, you care.
Like a father, you are there.
Whenever needed, you are there.
Like a father, you give advice.

You are not my father,
but you treat me
as if I was your own.

I feel so blessed to have
met you and to have you in my life.
Thanks for everything, second dad!

I wish you a lovely day and many more to come!
For all that you are
And all that you do
I wish the happiest
Birthday to you. 

Best wishes to you, bro. 
For someone in my life who is truly wonderful, I’m wishing a really great and extra special birthday full of joy and happiness too! You honestly are one of the most amazing people I know!

Best wishes to you!
I am so pleased to be wishing you a
happy birthday today, mam.

They say that your senior years are
some of the best years of your life,
and I sincerely hope that is true for you.

May they be filled with many marvellous
moments, and I hope your special day
brings all the happiness in the world to
your heart. 
It can’t be easy being the brother
of someone so amazing, but I hope
that today makes you happy since
it’s your birthday.

After all, it’s the one day of the year
where all of the attention will be on
you for a change!

Happy birthday, bro!
I have only the best birthday wish for a best friend as wonderful as you. May your special day be uniquely great and fill your heart with just as much joy as you bring to all of those around you.

Happy birthday to you, my dear friend.
Now that you’re fourteen, you can
choose whether you want to be a
big kid or a tiny teen! It’s your
special day so the choice is yours!

Whatever decision you make, I’m
wishing a very happy birthday to you!
Dad, I can’t thank you enough
for everything you’ve done for me
throughout my life, but I can tell
you just how much you mean to
me on your special day.

I’m so grateful to have such a great
man to always aspire to live up to.

May you have a truly wonderful
and memorable birthday, dad.
Today, I’m wishing a very happy birthday
to my sister who has everything she could
ever wish for, including a wonderful sister
like me, most importantly of all!

Enjoy your special day, sis! I hope that it’s
as special as I am!
Happy birthday to my fabulous sister who is so generous and forgiving, and quite simply the nicest person I know!

Your big heart and kind nature are actually very lucky for me, as I may have forgotten a small but important detail this year: to get you a birthday gift!
Happy birthday, sis!

It might appear obvious who’s the
youngest between me and you, but
only we really know the truth!

I’m happy to keep the secret if you are!
Judging by the sheer number of candles on your birthday cake, I think it’s safe to say you’re going to have a flaming good birthday this year!
Happy birthday, dad. I can’t believe another birthday has passed where you haven’t been with us.

You’re still in my thoughts and in my heart every day.
You are the shining star of our community, a friendly face always with a smile to warm anyone’s day. You’re simply the most wonderful person to have around.

May you have a splendid birthday today, my dear.