Happy Birthday Wisher

You seem to have the magical
power of making any subject or
class interesting as yours are
one of the few that don’t send
me to sleep! I actually never
want them to end!

I’m wishing you a very happy
birthday today.
Happy birthday, my dear!

I could go on for days about how highly I think of you, but really all I need to say is that I think you’re a truly remarkable human being and I am blessed to have you in my life.
It’s a great pleasure to be wishing one of my favorite teachers a very happy birthday today! You deserve a truly special day for all that you do, mam!
Your thirties are behind you
Now your forties have begun
So I want to wish you happiness,
And a decade full of fun!

Happy 40th birthday, my friend!
Happy birthday to the one who stole my heart, the one I so admire and have been infatuated with from the very first moment that we met!
I hate to be the one to tell you, cuz, but good looks don’t last forever! At least you had a good run!

Happy birthday to you today!
Many happy returns to you today!

Leading must come so naturally to you as you instill people with confidence and steer everyone towards success. You make a difficult job look easy!

I’m wishing you a truly phenomenal birthday and a wonderful year ahead!
Happy birthday to you, my greatest
friend of all!

We could be an infinite distance or
light-years apart, yet you would still
be right here firmly in my heart!
Your first 20 years of life have been incredible so here’s hoping that the next 20 are just as amazing, if not more so! Happy birthday to you today!
Happy anniversary, guys!

You are the most wonderful parents a kid could ever wish for and I’m hoping that today, which represents a celebration of your union and love, is a magical one as you both truly deserve it to be!
So many years of marriage deserves
to be recognized and celebrated, mom
and dad! You each deserve a medal for
putting up with one another for this long!

May you have a glorious anniversary
today and many more happily married
years ahead of you!
Friends like you don’t come along every day, and it’s even rarer that you have the privilege of being able to work with them, too!

Happy birthday to you!
Friendships are formed in many
different ways but more often than
not in the workplace!

I mean, if you’re going to be spending
so much time with someone you might
as well get along!

Happy birthday to you today, work buddy!
These first seven years of your life have been the happiest of mine, my beautiful boy! I am truly blessed to have a son like you who is so sweet, kind, and caring!

I’m wishing you a wonderful birthday today and a joyous year ahead!
I constantly feel your absence when
you’re away from home but especially
so on your special day.

I’m sending my sweetest sentiments
your way today, my handsome man!
Happy birthday!
A love as true as ours
Is so deep and divine
It means so very much
It simply can’t be defined!

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to the one
I share my heart with!

Today is all about celebrating
you and your beautiful soul,
my sweetheart!
Happy birthday to you today, my darling!

Ours is the truest love, the purest of all. You fill me with warmth and passion and as the days, weeks, months, and years pass, my feelings for you only grow stronger and stronger.

I’m very lucky to have you in my life and I’ll continue loving you until the end of time.
We’re not simply boyfriend and girlfriend, we are lovers.

What we have is something truly special and I cherish it with my whole heart.

Happy birthday, my sweetheart!
Brothers are true companions, there for
each other come rain or shine.

In you, I can safely say that I found mine.

Happy birthday to you!
It can’t be easy turning this grand age of yours so I just want you to know that you have my full support, both emotionally and physically! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to you on your special day this year, my dear! Our love is true, sweet, and definitely unique! It really is something worth cherishing!
Happy birthday to my favourite elder!

You don’t let age get you down, in fact, if anything you do everything in your will to defy it!

Your remarkable outlook on life is most likely what keeps you young, my dear!
Someone as important as you in my life deserves a truly VIP style birthday!

Let’s celebrate the wonder that you are in style this year, my dear! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to a spectacular teacher whose classes are always a delight!

I’m guaranteed to leave them with more knowledge and greater insight than before!