Happy Birthday Wisher

Today marks the first of several teenage years ahead for you!

Happy thirteenth birthday, my dear!
Happy birthday, principal!

You are the most prominent and
most crucial part of this school!

Without your influence, this school
would not be the prestigious and
high performing institute that it is!

Many thanks for all your efforts
over the years!
Just two more teenage years
ahead of you now!

You’re almost there, my friend!

Wishing you the happiest 17th
birthday possible!
Happy birthday to a very special lady, who is always looking out for me and is there whenever I need anything.

My dear mother-in-law, I don’t know what I would do without you in my life.

When I met your daughter, I thought I had found the only incredible woman in the world, until I met you and discovered that there were in fact two.

You both share the same kind and caring nature, which anyone who has the fortune of knowing you will understand.

I want to wish you the very best birthday today, and a lifetime of happiness ahead!
Happy thirtieth birthday! You can still tell people that you’re twenty-something if you want, you could easily still pass as under thirty! I wouldn’t tell anyone, I promise! 

You are blessed with a youthful appearance which should provide you with many more years to come!

Many happy returns, my dear friend! I hope you have a really enjoyable day, celebrating yet another important milestone in your life!
Happy 30th birthday!

Now that you’re entering your
thirties, you’ll soon discover
that hangovers aren’t what
they used to be!
Wishing the loveliest lady
the loveliest birthday today!

I hope it’s a fabulous one,
my dear mother-in-law!
Wishing an extremely happy birthday to a member of our amazing personnel!

We hope you have a fantastic day!
Happy birthday to my 
dear stepson! 

The day I met your mom
Is the day I gained a son!
Happy birthday to my dear stepson!

I hope I have lived up to my promise,
to be the best stepparent to you that
I could possibly be.

I love you so dearly, exactly as if you
were my own flesh and blood. To me,
you are my son, no question about it.

Have an amazing birthday and a
lovely year ahead, son!
How time flies!
Another year marking
a fantastic partnership;
happy birthday to us!

We wouldn’t be anything
without you on our side,
so we want to express
our most sincere, heartfelt
gratitude for having you
on board!

Our clients mean the world
to us, so it’s only right that
we recognize the longstanding
relationships that we’ve forged
together over the years!

Congrats to us, and here’s to
many more prosperous years
in business together!
For once I actually remembered our wedding anniversary, my love!

Sending you all my love on our special day!
Wishing a very happy birthday to a trusty client who has been there from the start!

We value your loyalty and commitment to our company so very much, and we owe you a lot for our continued growth over the years! Have a wonderful day!
21 and fabulous as ever!

Have a truly wonderful
birthday, chic!
Today is the birthday of my smashing
grandson! He is growing up to be such
a kind young gentleman and continues
to win the hearts of those around him!

Wishing him all the happiness in the
world on his special day!

Happy birthday dear grandson, you are
my pride and joy! Have the amazing
birthday that you so deserve!
Today you are the best in class; tomorrow you will be the best in life. I wish you a happy birthday, dear student!
I was feeling all alone, but then you were born and I gained a friend for life! I wish you all the best on your special day!
My man is strong, he can lift me without even touching me. My man is wise, he knows just what to say to me. My man is sweet, but too much of him doesn’t give me a tummy ache. You are my very special man and I wish you the loveliest birthday!
Since the first time we met you’ve always treated me with kindness and love, and for that I’m very grateful.

Happy birthday, dear mother-in-law! And be assured that you’re like a true mother to me.
To have a cousin like you truly is a blessing, as I happened to find one of my best friends in my own family. Happy birthday to you!

May your day be filled with joy and lovely surprises, and may you live many many more years because I need you by my side, always and forever.
I wish all the happiness and all the love in the world, just for you, daddy, because I love you and want you to be happy. Have a wonderful birthday!
You gave me life and were there for me every step I took. I wanted to pay you back for all your devotion, for being the best mother, but every riches of the world wouldn't be enough.

So all I have, as a gift and as a retribution, is my heart and my unconditional and eternal love.

Happy birthday, mom!
I couldn’t wait until any closer to the
date to wish you a happy birthday, 
my love!

Hopefully these early birthday wishes
will provide a warm welcome to your
special day!
Happy birthday, bro. I can’t tell you the impact you’ve had on me and how meaningful you are to my life. I’m truly grateful to have a brother like you.
As your special day 
Comes around once more
You have to know that
You’re the one I adore
You warm my heart
And fill my days with joy
I have so much love for you
My sweet birthday boy.

Happy birthday with lots
And lots of love from your
Greatest admirer ❤️